Time Alone, A river escape

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Chapter 21

Ash was beyond relieved to find that the next morning Georgio had checked out with his Pokémon. He had nothing against the guy for making sure his buddies were okay. But the further the creep was away from Misty the better.

How blind could he be? Stalkers were not supposed have common sense but still. How could he not see how miserable Misty was?

The moment Georgio had appeared Ash felt Misty pulling away. The battle had helped to rid him of the anger that had risen upon realizing what was going on. Still he was still mad.

Pikachu was still wary; the mouse had understood exactly what kind of trouble he was in when Ash did not use him for the battle. Pikachu had known exactly what Ash meant by not using Pikachu.

It was simple. The next time Pikachu kept PikaPal secrets, no matter what, the PikaPals would be on the sidelines as Ash faced the problem alone. Seeing the guy Misty wanted to protect from him had made Ash see red.

To think such a disgusting creature had managed to get her acceptance as grudging as it was. In his room, Ash ignored Pikachu who sat on the bed holding his hat dejectedly. As he paced the room Ash went over the previous day’s events.

Yes he had won, Georgio agreed to fight fair. Still, it was not enough. Ash wanted as unrealistic as it was for Georgio to disappear. He wanted to never see Georgio again and the same for Misty. A guy like that would definitely become unstable someday.

But there was no doubt that on Misty’s birthday that guy would somehow be there. Trying to share on her special day as if he had a right.

Ash snorted in disgust. To tell the truth some of the others in his opinion did not have the right. Misty’s birthday was something special. One of the few times, she allowed herself to treat herself and expect something from others.

That day was so close. Ash released a sigh. This birthday he wanted to make so special for her. To show her she meant so much to him. Show Misty that she was one of his closest friends. That she was not forgotten. But to get her a present was so difficult. He had to get her something that would be able to adapt to her gym leader life. Be what she needed to boost her confidence. Something she would treasure.

He knew what he wanted to get. Ash turned to Pikachu and gently retrieved his hat from the mouse’s paws. It was difficult but he was fighting to get her something that was perfect.

“Pikapi.” The mouse said dejectedly sitting on the bed with its head bowed. Ash sighed; Pikachu still thought he was in trouble. That time it was all finished for Ash, Pikachu understood keeping secrets like that were wrong.

“I’m not mad at you anymore buddy. Just Misty and Georgio really. It wasn’t your fault you just wanted to keep it between you two.”

The mouse looked up with hope shining in its eyes. Ash laughed before giving into the urge and tickling his buddy. He was never the type to hold unnecessary grudges.


Misty sighed looking into the mirror. No matter what the image would not change, that reddish hair of hers would not magically become something she could make princess like. Even though she wanted to look special.

They were staying for at least one more day before moving on. She had no interest in shopping. But she did want to wander around with Ash sightseeing. Team Rocket had made her want to really soak in what the city stood for.

And if that flopped, she could teach Psyduck another swimming lesson. The duck was long overdue for it. She had been patient enough. One of her goals had been to help assist Psyduck with its fear of water. It was really not a hard goal to accomplish really.

Pokemon........ A Training Start (Pokemon Watty Awards 2013)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora