Unwanted thoughts unwanted people

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Chapter 47

The last few days had been taxing. Misty wiped back the bit of sweat that had dropped onto her cheeks. Since leaving Rolkving Town it had been one tournament after the other. The slow pace of before was long gone.

The pace was so fast now that she was unable to even keep up. In fact she could not go and cheer on the others because they had so many different events. Even now she was battling hard wishing she could be right with Ash.

Just that morning when he had room to come see her battle the unexpected had happened. She had seen the excitement and the frustration in his eyes. The others had long left.

Drew had an early battle. Dawn and May had teamed up in a contest. Cilan and Iris had gone to a class dragging a curious Bianca. Paul had, well Paul had left and Misty was assuming he had some sort of event.

He had been missing from the night before, he could be training but she could be wrong. She knew his focus had changed slightly but she could not be too sure. This was Paul after all.

The dust cleared from the battle field and Misty gritted her teeth. This double battle she had decided to use her Feebas and her Marill. This was the reason she so badly wanted Ash to see this battle.

She wanted him to see how the gift he gave her had flourished so far. As it was she left Toki with him just in case he was able to come early and view it. What was going on was just as important.

She was curious too but she wanted him to watch her win. His last battle had blown her away. The raw power was something note worthy. Misty wanted Ash to know she was just as amazing.

Her opponents Pokémon wobbled and she grinned. Whether he saw or not. She knew she was just as amazing and powerful.


Ash was doing so much pacing and wringing of his hands. Finally it was happening. He loved this feeling. He really wanted to watch Misty’s battle. She had gotten to see one of his and he felt embarrassed over how hard he went out over something so small.

Her eyes when he saw them though. If had almost distracted him too much when he looked up from his opponent. She was shocked, he had loved it.

That amazement, the blush then the glint that came to light in her eyes. He seriously felt he could live in that gaze.

But now he was about to add another Pokémon to his team. The egg had finally acted up this morning and small cracking sounds had been head so instead of running to Misty’s event he had ran to Nurse Joy.

She understood though. Misty had smiled and waved him on his way. She was no doubt going to do some serious damage. Misty was all fired up.

Looking at the Pokémon bed where the egg rocked occasionally as Nurse Joy ran around attending to it Ash felt even more nervous. Pikachu was sitting behind him with Toki watching the events curiously.

When Toki had hatched he had been almost indifferent because he knew the results. But here it was a whole new Pokémon was going to be his in just a few minutes and he had not a clue what it was going to be.

“Ash, you can come forward.” Nurse Joy called to him as she stepped away. “It should be any minute now. This one is going to be healthy.”

“Ash stepped forward to the cracking rocking blue egg. He reached out a hand to touch it and the whole egg lit up with a pale white light.

Finally it was going to hatch. After all the waiting what he wanted the most was about to happen. Ash waited as the light grew brighter that he closed his eyes at the harshness. Peeking them open after a few seconds he felt rewarded to see the light dying down.

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