More for the Journey

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Chapter 2

Ash honestly forgot about his travelling companions in his excitement at seeing Misty. It was so long since he saw her, and the last time they did not even get to talk really and catch up. He rushed forward to her. Right into the crowd of people seeking Nurse Joy.

It was like trying to swim in oil, by the time Ash made his way to a certain point and he looked up for Misty and Pikachu, they were gone. Ash felt his heart drop; this was not a dream was it?

“Pikapi!” Ash felt Pikachu jump on his neck and he breathed a sigh of relief. Turning he went to glance up at Misty to realise he had to look down at her; she was shorter than him now!

“Ash! Hey! Long time no see, right Pikachu?” Pikachu rubbed its cheek against Ash’s looking like it was ready to abandon him again for the favour in Misty’s arms.

“I can’t believe it’s you Mist, it’s the last place I would expect to run into you. Are you visiting someone?”

“Not exactly, Ash I’m travelling here to compete, just like you are.” The others caught up to Ash, giving Misty curious looks.

“How do you know what I’m doing Misty?”

“Ash what other reason would you come? You never were the sightseeing type especially if there was a competition around.”

“Umm, Sorry but how do you know each other?” Drew broke in before Ash could retort,

“Oh, I’m sorry; I’m Misty, Nice to meet you Drew.” Misty smiled at Drew before turning to Paul. “Nice to meet you too Paul, and you too Iris, and you too Cilian.”

“Wait how do you know who we are?” Iris asked staring at Misty “Are you psychic?”

Laughter came from behind Misty.

“She wishes she was Psychic” A really familiar voice said. “Then she would be able to figure out what her present is!” Two girls pushed through the crowd. Two very familiar girls, two co-ordinators. May and Dawn.

“It’s not your gift so just wait like normal people.” It was another familiar voice, this time Brock pushed through the crowd to join the group.

“This is getting weird.” Iris said staring at the new people.


The group had a corner booth in the Pokemon Centre all for themselves. Dawn, May, and Brock were doing the majority of the explanations while Misty softly spoke to Pikachu who was in her lap, and Ash sat next to her quietly watching, seeming not to be paying attention.

“So after I lost the Johto grand festival I needed time to think, so I went to the Orange islands to get a whole new perspective. When I came back I ended up in Kanto and was planning to go meet up with Professor Oak. But I ran into Dawn! She had just come from Unova and was full of excitement, we decided to train and travel together when I realised how close to Misty’s gym we were.” May started

“Yea, so when May and I went to the gym, Misty wasn’t there!! Her sisters were all happy about her going out and having a life and getting a date, when we turned up since they didn’t know us they thought we wanted a battle and refused to contact her!”

Pikachu at hearing the word date had frozen on Misty’s lap and its fur crackled with electricity. Ash in the meantime narrowed his eyes at Dawn seeming to be silently urging her to continue with the information.

“So we were there trying to explain that we knew Misty and all, but all Lily would say is that they weren’t going to contact her. It’s cute now, but at the time not so much.” Dawn and May shared a laugh before Dawn continued. “At the time we were like really frustrated.”

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