Enter Team Rocket!

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Chapter 18

“Prepare for trouble you are entering a store.”

“We have got all you need and more. No nasty surprise! From us or the floor.”

“Trained to react to every customer I hear.”

“We hear it loud. We hear it clear!”

“Bringing your merchandise at an astonishing pace.”

“No need to panic, put a grin on your face.”

“With Dazzling style I am Jessie!”

“With artistic talent I am James.”

“Money making skills Meowth is my name.”

“Putting the competition in their place. We are the Rockets and we have taken over the place!”

Ash stood along with the others in the doorway to the store that recently opened in Skyfroam City. He knew the place was called the Rockets. He had seen the sign over the store with the name. He had even seen their motto over the door. “To the stars above.”

Even after all of that, Ash really had not expected to be facing Team Rocket. Especially after their last run in. These guys seemed to never give up. And he could see right through their disguises too. Just how desperate were they to get Pikachu? Why were they still after Pikachu?

James and Jessie were right in front them after doing their poses with Meowth at the cash register not even looking up. Ash was about to yell when the motto duo looked up.

“James! Look it’s the twerp!” Jessie shrieked jumping back all the way to the wall. Ash frowned because this was not usually, how it went.

“I know Jessie! And look he’s with the Connoisseur twerp!” James said catching the attention of Meowth as well as Paul and Drew behind the others.

“Don’t tell me these are those losers.” Paul grunted his words muffled.

“And not only dat! It is the Unova twerpette. Along with Chimchar’s old slave master!” Meowth said standing on top of the desk pointing at the group accusingly.

“And he is with that obnoxious Drew Coordinator!” Jessie snarled pointing to Drew now her face going as red as her hair. It was then that Ash noticed it was not in its usual slick back style but instead more framing her face and going down her back.

Glancing to the girls that were beginning to push fully into the store, Ash was beginning to get the feeling that Pikachu was not the height of the agenda for Team Rocket. They usually did their research.

“Wait Jessie!” James said stepping back and snagging Jessie’s pointing hand with one of his own before gesturing to the girls. “Do my eyes deceive me or is the Twerp travelling with his whole pack of Twerpettes?”

The group remained frozen as Team Rocket continued their unusual behaviour. Ash was now certain that Pikachu was not on their agenda. Most likely they had as so often run out of money and were taking a part time job.

It had happened before just not recently, but at least Ash could relax. Pikachu was safe, Misty however just might not be.

“Look James!” Jessie said rushing over to where the girls stood. They all drew back at her fast movement but it was not enough to evade the now determined Jessie.

“Unova Twerpette.” She said grasping Iris’ chin.

“Sinnoh Twerpette.” James said copying Jessie and grasping Dawn’s chin to examine her face. He looked deep into her eyes ignoring the grumble from Paul.

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