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"Sherlock, that show was amazing. Thank you for taking me, " I said as Sherlock and I walked up the stairs to his flat.

"Of course, Grace. Though, I'm sorry about that techinical difficulty with that man, who was trying to pick you up," Sherlock said as we stopped at the door.

"Wait he was trying to pick me up? I thought- wait is that why you were so protective and wanted to punch him?" I asked, kinda feeling a bit happy because Sherlock was protective over me.

"Of course, why would I want a man trying to pick up my girl? " he said and opened the door. I chuckled a bit and thanked him for opening the door.

We entered his small flat as I got a text from my brother, John.


I smiled at my big brother's text.

"Who was that?" asked Sherlock while he took off his coat and scarf.

"Just John. He's on a date with a girl," I said as I ephasized 'girl' to Sherlock. I hung my gray coat up and walked towards the fridge.

"Why do people think we're together? It's just outrageous. I mean I'm already taken," he remarked. I opened the fridge and laughed at his comment.

"It's because you guys live together, Sherlock. And usually when people do that, they assume your a couple. You're the most logical person in the world, Sherlock," I said and tapped on the fridge door to find something. "You should have figured that out by now."

"But what if we lived together, Grace? I know we are already, well, together but maybe we need a house of our own," asked Sherlock. I could tell he was right behind me, so I turned around. He was about a foot away from me and his eyes stared into mine.

"Are you suggesting that we should?" I asked leaning myself against the fridge, making it close.

"Just throwing out ideas, I guess," he said and took a few steps closer. We were inches away from each other. I looked up at him as his eyes were locked on my lips. I went on my tippy-toes and kissed him. His hands snaked around my back while my arms were around his neck.

He pushed me against the fridge and put more pressure on our kiss. Until we heard a voice yell, "What the heck are you doing with my sister, Sherlock?!"

We immediately stopped and I bit my lip. Sherlock smirked and turned around to face John, whose ears were red and his feet were planted on the kitchen ground.

"Just having fun, John," he said.

"Fun? Fun?! Sherlock, that's my bloody sister you're kissing. And-and you, young lady, you have some explaining to do!" he yelled.

To tell you the truth, I wanted to laugh so hard over his protection on me. I squeezed a smile at John, which in return he gave me a scowl.

"Wait...are you two together? It can't be," he declared with a funny, confused look on his face while pointing at us.

I looked down and smiled.

"Well, Grace, why don't you tell him," Sherlock said with a small smile on him as he turned around towards me.

I chuckled and said, "Um John, Sherlock and I uh are together."

His expression was priceless. John opened his mouth, but immediately closed it and started to fidget. He brought his hand up and down then put it over his mouth.

"Are you freaking serious?" he asked still recovering from what we just told him.

I couldn't handle it, and abruptly started laughing hysterically. Sherlock creeped a smirk and somehow manage a small chuckle.

"You guys are sickening," said John and left us in the kitchen.

Still laughing I shouted, "Wait-John!"

But I heard a door slam from outside, and assumed it was John. I kept laughing and gave up to follow him.

Then, surprisingly Sherlock burst out laughing. We laughed for a few moments until Sherlock closed me in, making me lean against the fridge. Still laughing a bit, Sherlock said, "Now where we're we?"

He dipped his head while I wrapped my arms around his neck, and our lips met again.

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