superwholockian101/Star Trek Into Darkness

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I secretly followed my older brother, Jim Kirk and his engineer, Scotty as they headed straight towards the radioactive reactor core of our ship. She was dying. And quickly. Long story short, Marcus, who wanted back a man named Khan that we had kidnapped, attacked our ship and it was dramatically getting worse. Power was almost out and our shields were down.  

I hid behind a wall as I heard the two talk some strange technical stuff I had no clue about. I heard them running again and again I trailed behind them. 

They soon stopped and paused in front of a glass door. I peeked behind a wall and heard Scotty say, "If we go in there, we'll die!"

I was struck. 

I heard Jim mutter something to him and a punch was followed. What is he doing? He can't go in there. He's my only brother. 

"Jim!" I exclaimed as I revealed myself from behind the wall. He was just about to open the door as his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Sam, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be with Bones helping the wounded!" he angrily stated.

"I couldn't help but notice you secretly going down into the ship's center," I said taking a few steps towards him.

"You can't be here."

"And you can't go in there, Jim."

He sighed, looked at the ground, and shook his head.

"What choice do I have?! I just can't let innocent people die, Sam. I have to go!" he said almost in tears. 

I nodded my head and came towards to give him a hug. I did and he immediately returned one back.

"Just let me say goodbye then," I mumbled and pressed a pressure point on his head, which soon made him fall asleep. A technique that Spock showed me. 

I buckled him up in a chair and stroke a hair out of his peaceful face. I smiled, savoring our last moments together. 

"Farewell, Jim," I whispered and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away and took a deep breath. I turned towards the door, opened it, and entered my death trap.

I felt like my whole world was in slow motion. My body was struggling, having the radiation of the core hit me each time I moved. But I didn't care about the pain. All I was thinking about was my brother and his beloved crew. I wanted to show him that I care about him and would do anything to make sure he is alive.

Sweat dripped from my forehead as I reached the middle. The warp was disconnected, so with all my might, I grabbed the top and pushed with my feet the bottom one. I did this repeatedly, feeling slowly my body was growing weaker. 

After a few minutes of doing it, the two pieces fit together and it felt as though the ship came alive again. Struggling, I climbed the pipes, thinking of positive things. Like, doing this I would be able to save my brother and his crew. Doing this we could defeat Khan. Doing this the enterprise could be a better place.

As I exited the reactor, I entered the tunnel and heard yelling of my name. I almost by the door noticed Spock, and Jim banging on the it for me. I weakly crawled to it and leaned my head against it. They stopped and I was burning up. I felt tired, hot, and uncomfortable. I could barely breath too.

I took deep breaths and looked at my brother, who was in tears.

"Why...why did you do this, Sam?" he asked placing head on the glass.

I took for me a while to reply to him saying, "Jim, I couldn't have just let you go. You have a...a life and future."

"And you do too."

Tears were now flowing down my face as I felt myself slowly drifting away.

"Jim, I don't. I mean, look at you. You are a captain of a ship and a brilliant man."

"Sam, when I was your age, I was not a brilliant man. I was a troublemaker, a bastard, and foolish guy. But, with the help of close friends, I became something I couldn't have ever imagined before."

I looked down and forgot that Spock was right there and I said to him, "Hey Spock."

"Hello, Samantha."

"Tell Uhura I said goodbye."

"Samantha, this isn't farewell."

"Well, soon at least."

I gazed at my crying brother one last time and with all my might I put my hand up at the glass.

"I love you, Jim."

And I was gone.


Childern's laughter danced around my head as a memory of Jim and I as six year olds were playing hide and seek in our home. Jim's mischevious look and my nerdiness made us perfect playing partners. I missed those times so much.

I kept hearing a beeping noise in the backgroud and a bright light was shining through my closed eyes. I flickered my blue eyes open to reveal a grinning Jim, busy Bones, surprisingly smiling Spock.

"Jim?" I squeaked.

"Sam," he said and gave me a great big hug. 

"I thought I lost you," mumbled Jim in my ear.

We parted as Spock gave me his gratitude on saving the ship, while Bones was inspecting something in a test tube.

"What is that Bones?" I asked him weakly.

"It's Khan's blood," he replied not taking his eyes off it, "It's what we put inside you to make you come back to us. It's pretty much resurrection or healing blood."

I nodded and Spock said with a smile, "Well, overall Samantha, we are thoroughly enjoyed that you have accompanied us again."

"I am too," I said with a smile and with all my might, I somehow gave him an awkward hug. He seemed taken back by my gesture, but slowly he patted my back gently. 

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