BB_EXOL_INSPIRIT/Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor

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'How does it feel to leave me this way,

When all that you have's been lost in a day?

Everyone knows, but not what to say.

I've been wonderin' now'

I heard a knock at my bedroom door and I immediately stopped singing Hotel Ceiling by Rixton.

"Bianca, can you keep it down? I'm trying to read how to do the waltz!" exclaimed the Doctor through my door.

"Sorry!" I yelled back and laughed.

The Doctor and I were preparing for a dance at the universe and galaxy ball and awkwardly, he had asked me to join him. I gladly accepted.

I sighed and curled my last strain of hair. Everything was finished.

Knocking on the Doctor's bedroom door, I stated, "Doctor, I'm ready!"

"About time!"

Quickly opening the door, his eyes immediately found my dress, gawking how I looked. I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Looking down, I wore a sleeveless long purple dress, a diamond necklace and silver shoes.

And the Doctor didn't look bad himself!

Black tux and bow tie, the Doctor looked ready to boogie away.

Coughing, the Doctor pronounced, "You ready to go, Miss Bianca?"

Curtsying, I took the Doctor's hand and led me out to the console, where the Doctor traveled us to the dance. After a shaky landing, the Doctor's green eyes glanced at mine as he proclaimed, "We're here."

Smirking, we dashed outside and I gawked of how beautiful this place was. White floors, white ceilings but plants and flowers flourished throughout the place. All different types of aliens surrounding the entire dance floor.

Gasping at how marvelous it was, I felt a hand grasp mine as we walked along the room.

"This is fantastic!" I exclaimed and soon the Doctor and I linked arms.

"This is the place to be if you want to dane your heart away, Bianca," the Doctor mentioned.

"Doctor?" I heard a female voice asked.

We turned around and the Doctor's face lit up. "Empress Ameritica! Lovely to see you!"

Shaking hands, I observed her features. She was orange and had the face of a human, but on her face were tiny blue freckles. Her hair was a silly purple, but had eight long fingers instead of five.

"Would you care to have a dance, Doctor?" she asked politely.

"Of course! Er, you don't mind, Bianca, do you?" he asked with concern on his face.

"No, you go! Have fun! I'll just sit here and wait for you," I stated and the Doctor soon let go of my hand, being whisked away by the Empress.

Now feeling out of place, I found a bench to sit on as I waited for the Doctor's dance to be over.

Playing with my drink in my hand, I peeked to see the Doctor now walking towards with a grin on his face, but then suddenly somebody grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor again. Trying to find him in the crowd again, I felt down for someone took my Doctor away from me again.

Minutes had past, and boredom was consuming me. I wanted to dance with the Doctor, but all these other ladies were dancing with him and gentlemen were talking to him all the time.

Before you knew it, the whole convention was ending and not a single time had I danced with him or with anyone! I was now literally laying on the bench, playing with my hair while I waited for him.

Panting, the Doctor walked towards me and placed his hands on his knees.

"Hey, Bianca," he breathed.

"Hi," I said bluntly and sat up.

"I'm-so-sorry, Bianca for not-"

"Let's just go okay?" I asked and looked down, feeling I had wasted a night.


"Doctor," I said and looked up at him

Sighing, he slouched and murmured, "Alright."

Sadly trudging to the TARDIS, I quickly ran to my bedroom while the Doctor called my name. Tears were streaming down my face and I plopped on my bed. Escaping a sob, I clutched my pillow.

This was supposed to be a special night, just me and the Doctor. And not once did he spend time with me or dance. He was too occupied by others. Pain in my chest and disappointment filled inside me while I laid there for what it seemed like forever.

Suddenly, Rixton Hotel Ceiling started to play in a distance, coming from the console. Slowly standing up, I wiped my tears away and walked into the hall down to the console. Confused, I opened my mouth wide to see the console filled with Christmas lights and a record player playing the song. The Doctor was leaning against the console with a smirk planted on his face with some roses in his hand.

"Doctor, what-what is this?" I asked as I walked down the steps.

When I reached him, his eyes stared into mine as he gave me the roses. "An apology."

Taking the roses, I sniffed them and looked back at him. "Doctor, you didn't need to do this."

"No, I needed to."

Setting down the roses, the Doctor went on his knees and placed his hand out. "Miss Bianca, would you have this dance with me?"

Laughing, I took his hand and said, "Of course."

When he stood up, he twirled me around and then started doing a small waltz around the console. The Doctor inched closer and stated, "I am truly sorry, Bianca. Will you forgive me?"

I smirked. "I'd forgive you any day, Doctor."

He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I chuckled and stopped our dance. The Doctor gave me a confused look as I gently grabbed his chin.

"You silly-goose." And pressed my lips against his.

The Doctor moaned in surprise, but realized he liked it. His hand were on both sides on my head while mine was around his neck, digging deeper into the kiss. what I had been waiting for this whole entire night.

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