fortheloveofbarakat_/Star Trek: Jim Kirk

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Hey guys, I wanna give a shoutout to CharleeCongreve! She is now writing fandom imagines and she needs some requests! Hope you like this imagine!


I sat on my suitcase, listening to a band called All Time Low, while I waited for myself to board a ship. I had been assigned to join Captain James Kirk's crew to explore other universes. I was sitting inside the place where they held the ships and they were terrifyingly enormous.

And to be honest, I was freaking out. This had been really the first time away from home. Like galaxies and millions of miles away! Plus, it can be hard for me to fit in. It's my first time joining a mission on a ship and I'm afraid people won't like me.

"Miss Alannah?" I heard a voice over my music. I looked up and saw a handsome-looking man. He had short blonde hair with brilliant blue eyes and a small scruff.

I quickly pulled my earbuds out and smiled saying, "Yes?"

"We are ready to board," he replied with a nice smile. I nodded, stood up, and took my suitcase, while I followed the strange man.

When we were about to enter the ship, he turned around and said, "I'm Captain Kirk by the way. But you can call me Jim."

Several minutes later, I sat in my bedroom and looked down at the floor. I looked beside me and saw my blue dress I was to wear, since I was to assist Dr. Bones on the ship. I sighed and quickly changed. I smoothed my dress as a knock on my door was heard.

I opened it, and it revealed Jim.

"Hey Captain, I mean Jim. Can I help you with something?" I asked, wondering why he was here.

"Uhh, I just came to say if you needed anything, you can talk to me, okay?" he asked, leaning against the door frame.

I nodded and said of course.

"Oh and Bones needs you," he said and stood up properly.

"Alright then. I'll get going," I stated and grabbed a bag full of medical supplies I may need.

I turned around and Jim was gone. I sighed and entered the white hallways.

"Jeez, where is it?" I mumbled, wondering where the heck the hospital part the ship. I bit my lip and took a right. Then a left. Another left. Straight. After a number of turns, I ran into a man, making him drop a bunch of tools.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" I pronounced. He didn't reply back, so I helped him pick up the tools. Realizing, the man had medical tools, I asked, " Excuse me, but do you know where I could find a man named Dr. Bones?"

The stranger looked up at me and said, "Well, I guess you found him."

After picking up the tools and placing them on the tray, we stood up.

"So you're-"

"Yes, sweetheart, I'm Dr. Bones. Now look, I'm running a bit late for something. So make it quick," he snapped.

"Uh ok. Um I'm Alannah, one of your new assistants and-"

"Oh yes. There's a few things you need to do. And here's the list of medications you need to simulate and oh gosh, look I'm late. Look, go two lefts and first door," he stated quickly, handed me a screen which had a list on it, and fled down the hall. I was going to say something, but I shook my head and went straight to the medical center.

Days had past, I had already made an impression on the crew. Some of the nurses giggled or were bewildered by my punk style. Having half of my head shaved with short hair made a few nasty comments. But mostly, everyone just ignored me and thought I was in the way all the time.

Though surprisingly, only one person never made me feel that way. And that was Jim. He treated me like any other person on the ship. Maybe even better. He often visited the medical center to check up on any patients or anything interesting happened. I have to admit, I think I may have feelings for him.

My seventh day on the ship started off with me trying to engage in a conversation with some of the young nurses. They mentioned about how they missed music back on Earth and I immediately mentioned I did too and asked if any of them liked some of the bands I enjoyed. One girl gave a sympathetic smile at me, two raised an eyebrow, and another just completely ignored what I said. The girls continued talking again, ignoring me, while I felt hurt and solitude ache in my stomach. I gulped and walked away.

I reached my seat and started filling some test tubes with some kind of blue formula that Bones asked for me to do. I sat alone and I could feel tears wanting to come out. I felt tense and hot in the cheeks. I just hoped nothing else would go wrong today.

"Alannah, bring that pitcher of water over here," I heard someone say. I took a deep breath and grabbed the full pitcher of water. I stood up and as soon as I turned around, the heavy pitcher hit Bones in the stomach, making a bunch of water splashed unto his shirt.

I gasped and apologized saying, "Dr. Bones I'm so sorry!"

He groaned, grabbed a paper towel, and stormily walked away.

"Goodness, can't that punk do anything right?" I heard Mr. Bones mumbled as he walked away.

I had enough. I stood there, parlayed and felt like I couldn't breath. I slowly set the pitcher down as I heard some girl snickering. I turned around to see Jim standing there. He had no expression on but looked at me. Feeling embarrassed and tears coming, I quickly walked past him to my room.

"Alannah, just wait!" I heard him say as I started to run.

I slammed my bedroom door and sat on my bed, letting the tears spill.

A knock was heard from the door.

"Leave me alone!" I declared and choked on my tears.

"Alannah, it's me, Jim," a manly voice said.

I sniffled and wiped my tears away.

"Please let me in. I want to talk to you," he said. Giving up, I opened the door to see handsome Jim, standing at the door.

"May I come in?" he asked. I motioned my hand in as he entered and sat on the bed, leaning his arms on his knees. I sat next to him and looked down at my hands, which were in my lap.

"Alannah, I've been noticing you being, well I don't know, outside of everything, and feeling not a part of things. Is something wrong?" he asked looked at me.

A tear rolled down and fell on my lap.

"Um well, I guess that ever since I had arrived to board this plane, I had been feeling lonely, outside, and just not fitting in. I guess that because of who I am, people just don't like me," I softly said.

"I don't see anyone not liking because of who you are. You are a fabulous person," Jim stated and his hand rested on my thigh. "And you have a great taste in music."

I chuckled at his comment and sniffed a bit. I looked at him, smiling and felt appreciation inside.

"Plus," he continued, tucking a piece of short hair behind my ear, "you're special."

I smiled at him and felt love spring into me. He started to lean while I did the same. Our lips were eventually connected. His hand met my cheek as my arm grasped his upper arm. The kiss lingered on for a few moments, but we parted. I chuckled and before I could, Jim wiped another tear away from my cheek.

He sighed and sat up a bit more. Jim glanced at my iPod and said, "You've got to introduce me to some of your music, Alannah. I haven't heard some in a week, and that's unhealthy."

I laughed and grabbed my iPod. For the rest of the day, we listened to music and for the first time on this ship, I felt a part of things.

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