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"Agent Cierra, we need you in Section 2b," said a man from the speaker.

I was sitting with Tony Stark, and Steve playing with a deck of cards on the helicarrier. I was part of the agency SHIELD and I guess they needed me.

"Well, it's my cue, guys. I gotta go," I said, standing up and plopping down the cards on the table.

"Ah, Agent Jacob needs some lovin' I guess?" joked Tony with his eyebrows up.

"Shut your mouth, Ironboy. We went out a few times and nothing is going on," I said sternly and started walking away from them. I escaped a small laugh. I used my powers of telepath and made myself enter Section 2b where Nick, and some other agents were there. All huddled together, they were talking about something and around a screen. 

"Nick, what's going on?" I asked as I joined the group. On the screen was a man, a handome, dark-haired man with green and black armour on, sitting inside one of our glass containers. 

"Ah, Cierra, just the girl we need. Look you see that man?" asked Nick as he turned around to look at me and motioned his head towards the screen. 

"Yes, who is he?" I asked. 

"This is Loki from Asgard, the man or more like a god that you are going to look after. Now he'll be contained in his glass box, but we just need for you to keep a close eye on him for a while, " he stated.

I nodded and continued to stare at the man. His face leaned towards the camera and gave a small smirk. Then went back to his normal position.

"Oh and Cierra, please be careful. He has similar powers to you and I won't want anything happening to you. Do you understand?" he asked.

I nodded and soon in a blink of an eye, I entered the basement, where they kept this so called "Loki" god. I opened the metal door and out revealed the open, steel basement. Down a few steps, there was Loki inside our glass container, now standing facing his back to me. 

"They've paid you to watch over me, haven't they?" he replied in a dark voice. He was still in his position, but he tilted his head a bit. 

"I guess so," I said and sighed walking down the stairs. I found a chair and sat on it, looking at the back of him. 

"Well, this awkward," he said and soon turned around, facing me.

He was even more handsome in person. Sharp green eyes stared right into me with cheekbones sharp and a strong, stern body built.

"You like it?" he asked.

I was snapped back to reality and quickly stated, "You're not my type."

"Oh really, Agent Cierra?" he asked and bent down a bit. 

I was taken back that he knew who I was. I stood up straighter and asked, "How do you know-"

"Dear, I'm a literally a god," he said and leaned in a bit, "I know everything."

"I know that you and I have something in common I hear," he remarked.

"I believe we don't."

"Lies won't solve anything, love."

I gulped, ignored him,  and was silent for a while. Until I remembered that I brought a book with me. I pulled out from my black bag a book called the Fellowship of the Ring, part of the Lord of the Rings series. I had never read it before, so I started reading silently, taking a few glances at Loki.

"What on earth are you reading?" Loki asked.

I sighed and looked up at him. 

"It's the Fellowship of the Ring part of the Lord of the Ring's series. I suspect you don't have this book in Asgard?" I asked.

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