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I was curled up on the couch, fingering the note Sherlock left me. I had read it for the millionth time. 


I took a deep breath and thought about the case. A strange man had come in a few days ago, describing that he had seen "a big black hound" which made me worry when Sherlock accepted the case. A week had past and I still had not heard from him. He left unexpectedly when Sherlock told me to grab some groceries. Since when does he ask for groceries?

The last few days had been depressing, not seeing Sherlock around. I admit, I have feelings for him. But for Sherlock having feelings for me, I don't know. He seems so married to his work that he doesn't have time for love. 

I sighed and wrapped a blanket around me. I soon heard a knock at the door, and I flipped, thinking that maybe, just maybe, it would be Sherlock. I fixed my hair and came to the door.

"Sher- oh, Mrs. Hudson!" I exclaimed as I opened it. She said a cheery hello and held a tray of tea.

"I thought maybe I'd come and say hello since the boys were gone," Mrs. Hudson said. 

"Of course, come right in," I offered and she stepped in, setting the tray on the coffee table.

Mrs. Hudson poured the tea as I sat down and she handed me a cup. I thanked her and took a sip.

"So Skylar, how is everything going lately? I know it must be terribly lonely without them boys," she said and took a sip. 

"Well, lonely pretty much. I just really miss them and hope they're okay," I stated, looking down at my tea.

"Do you miss Sherlock?" she asked.

I looked up at her and said, "Yeah, I-I really do."

She smiled and patted my thigh. "Well, I bet they miss you terribly too."

I gave her a small smile and took another sip.

"So I'm guessing you have feelings for Sherlock, then?" Mrs. Hudson asked.

When I opened my mouth, the door flew open and I turned around, to see Sherlock and John.

"Sherlock," I mumbled and dropped my tea, which crashed at my feet into pieces.

Not even fathoming what I did, I ran into his arms, surrounding my arms around his back. He was a bit taken back, but his arms found his way around my back.

"I'm so glad you're back," I mumbled in his shoulder.

"Same here, Skylar," he said softly. We awkwardly parted and Sherlock scratched the back of his neck. 

"Hey John, welcome back," I said and gave him a little wave.

"Yeah...glad to be back. Uh, look I'm gonna go and put my stuff away real quick," John said and gave a strange look to himself like 'what just happened there.' I nodded and he left.

"Happy you're back, Sherlock. I'll be downstairs if you need anything," Mrs. Hudson said and gave him a little pat on the arm. She left and Sherlock locked eyes with mine.

"What was the hug for?" he asked, standing like a statue.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" I asked back at him.

He sighed and looked away.


"We needed to leave as soon as possible."

"A simple goodbye from you when I left for the store would of been fine."

"I said goodbye. On the note."

"From you in person I mean," I snapped.

"You didn't need to feel that depressed the whole time we were gone."

"Excuse me?"

"You've been stuck inside for a week with no one visiting you or talking to you. In fact, you've shut out everyone because you have been worried that we wouldn't come back," deduced Sherlock.

"It's rude to deduce someone you know, Sherlock," I said and turned away to look out the window, starting to people watch.

"You knew I would come back," he said, feeling his presence right behind me. 

"No, I didn't," I remarked, now looking straight at him. He was so very close to me. His stern, pale look and glowing eyes were looking right at me. 

For a while, he didn't know what to say and I didn't know either. But to break the awkward silence, I grabbed his face and kissed him. 

He knew immediately what to do and brought me closer to him, so no gap was between us. It was getting hard to breath, so I broke the kiss and took a long breath.

"I didn't say goodbye, Skylar because I was afraid I wouldn't come back and I didn't want any pain of love to come to me. But now I see that I can't do that. I can't escape my feelings for you, Skylar. I admit it," Sherlock uttered.

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 


"I love you, Skylar. And if you don't feel-"

"Sherlock, why would I kiss you if I didn't love you?" I said, chuckling. 

For the first time, he grinned and said, "Yeah I guess."

I slowly cuddled in his arms and he wrapped his arms around me. And I knew that when he left for somewhere, he would always come back to me.

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