Rockinrobin1/Pavel Chekov: Star Trek Into Darkness

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"Pavel! Are you ready?" I asked, impatient for this "secret date" he said he was going to take me out on.

"I'm eelmost ready, Rolinda!" he yelled as he was changing in his room. I sighed and checked in the mirror to fix my head band. A few moments later, Pavel opened his door to reveal a nice-long sleeved red shirt on, jeans , and shoes.

"Well, look at you! Looking devilishly handsome today!" I remarked walking slowly towards him.

"Weell thank you! You too! I mean, you're not devwilishly handsome, but you're quite-"

He didn't finish his sentence because my lips were on his. He was quite taken back on it, but he soon kissed me back and found his hands around my waist. We broke apart and he chuckled, giving me a hug.

"I love you, Rolinda," he whispered.

"I love you too, Pavel," I whispered and kissed his neck.

Pavel soon took my hand and we ventured outside in the cold. We started to run towards the enterprise and entered where they kept the ships. We followed a path with roses on it that led to a small white ship and a pilot saluted us as we went inside the spaceship.

"Pavel! This is so amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Anything, for zis beautifwul girl of mine!" I stated and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 

As we walked into the ship, there was a small, white table in the control room that had champagne, lasagna, and strawberry shortcake on it. In the middle was a lit candle, burning.

"Sir, are we ready to fly?" the pilot asked as he sat in his chair.

"You make zee call," said Pavel still holding my hand.

I looked at Pavel, smiled, and said to the pilot, "We are ready sir!"

During dinner

"So wait, he seriously asked how old you were?" I asked while chuckling.

"Yees and I replied 'Zeventeen, sir,' "Pavel replied while laughing too.

We sat laughing at Bones remark on his age. The pilot was gone, leaving us on our date, and I turned over to see stars of the galaxy shining at us.

"Wow...look at them," I said as started to stand up and walk towards the vast window. All of a sudden, meteor showers started happening before my eyes. But these weren't your regular meteor showers. They were different colored ones, sprouting red, gold, blue, green, and numerous colors.

I soon felt arms smake around my stomach that held me close and placed their head on my shoulder.

"Aren't ze something?" Pavel said feeling his hot breath on my neck.

"Oh yes. I have never seen something so beautiful than this. I mean of course you, but oh well, you know what I mean," I rambled on while he laughed.

"I have seen something far, far, far more beautifwul dan dis," he said and turned me around.

"What was it?" I asked eagerly.

He smiled and held both of my hands. 

"You, of course," he said and caressed my cheek.

"That's why today," he kneeled down and from behind he brought out a diamond ring,"I want to zee dat beauty forever."

I bit my lip and smiled. 

"Rolinda, will you marry me?" he asked, looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

I sighed and tilted my head saying, "Why would I ever decline an offer like this?"

Pavel looked at me strangely and asked, "So it'z a no?"

I laughed and through my arms around him.

"Of course I'll marry you," I whispered in his ear. He squeezed me tighter, picked me up, and twirled me around. He squealed and I did the same. He set me down and quickly kissed me passionately.

"I love you! I love you! I love you so much, Rolinda-soon-to-be-Chekov!" he exclaimed happily in between kisses.

I laughed with joy and grabbed his head with my hands and said back to him, "I love you too Pavel Chekov with all my heart and soul!"

He grinned and kissed me again, knowing that he loved me from Earth all the way to the beyond.

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