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"What, Wade?!"

"Where's that move?!"

"What movie?"

"The one we're gonna watch tonight!"

"I don't know!"

"Well, thanks for the help."

Shaking my head, I watched the popcorn pop in the microwave for our movie date night. I was excited to spend time with my boyfriend, especially with my night off from the hospital. Someone had offered to take my shift and boy, did I gladly accept. 

"Found it," a cheeky voice whispered in my ear as arms wrapped around my waist. 

Tilting my head back chuckling, Wade's head rested upon my shoulder and he began to sway back and forth. My hands grasped his with the movie of Shrek in his hands. 

"Shrek? Really? I thought we were gonna watch that Ghost one," I asked, twisting my head towards his. 

"Shrek's a classic."

"But don't you want something...more than that? "

"If you wanna watch Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life, then by all means we can-"


"Hey, you said you didn't care which movie we watched, and Shrek is my spiritual animal, so I just wanted to connect with my inner self tonight."

"So your soul is an obese, grumpy, green troll that has a scottish accent?" I asked. 

He kissed my cheek and separated from me to get the popcorn. "Exactly."

"So does that mean, I'm that bratty Fiona, who literally has a muffin top?" I asked, folding my arms as he dumped the popcorn into a bowl. 

"No," he began to walk towards me, "You're that sexy, bushel of chest hair guy with those sick nipples that has the smallest castle in the world."

Raising an eyebrow, his arms wrapped around my waist and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, thanks. I'ma hairy, 4 inches guy, who is growing a garden on his chest," I remarked and Wade raised his eyebrow. 


"Ok, I'll stop." His hand reached my chin and brought it to his lips. My arms slowly came around his neck, but my hand escaped to caress his cheek. He needed to shave, but it didn't bother our make out session. Wade's hands began to travel a little lower, making his kisses more passionate. But not wanting to go to far yet, I separate and nodded my head to the living room. 

"C'mon, Shrek. Let's go and watch our movie."

Resting our butts on our couch, the movie began to play. With myself on his lap eating the popcorn, his hand rested on my thigh while I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. For the first time in a while, I felt satisfied with him next to me. 

 For years, I thought I could find no one. It was thought it was just the world and me. There was no one to share that world with. Until you enter a total drunk who throws up on your boots and next thing you know, passes out, making him collapse into you. Two people went to the hospital that night. 

Halfway through the movie, I blurted out from my mind. "I'm glad you got drunk."

"Well that's something you don't hear everyday."

"You know what I mean."

He turned his head towards me. Wade's dark eyes connected with mine as the singing of the blind mice gave us some odd background music. 

"I mean, that day, you know. It's that butterfly effect thing," I continued.

"The whadda whadda?"

"Butterfly effect. It's where something so small can make a big change in the future."

"Our whole scene didn't seem small."

"But I mean, if it hadn't been for that fight that happened earlier, the bar wouldn't have given out free shots for the upset people, and if the bar wouldn't have done that, you wouldn't-"

"Have gotten drunk."

I smiled at him. "And then, it just spiraled down."

"Oh admit it, your boring nursing life attending all those little rotters-"


"Hey, hear my point. I have made your life a little brighter and funner. By now you'd be probably dating some lawyer, who sleeps with the judge and most of the jury just to win his case."

Losing it, I shook my head in laughter and placed my hand on his chest. "In honest truth though, yes."

"And if you hadn't met me," my fingers walked up his chest, "You would be a complete and utter wreck, who wouldn't know who Spencer Reid was or why Damon is the better choice for Elena in Vampire Diaries."

"I swear, you and your tv shows."

"I can't help it!"

He chuckled and smiled. "But true."

Wade brushed away some brown hair of mine from my face. Soon, his rough hand stayed on my cheek. "I would be nothing without you, Charlee."

"And I you, Sir Wade Wilson."

"Doth thou know how much I wanteth to place thine mouth on thee lips?"

"It's thy, stupid head."

"Jeez, Shakespeare."

"Jeez, just kiss me already."

Our lips met immediately in powerful passion. With his hand squeezing my waist, our kiss began to escalate, yet fell into a complete mess. A mess that I never wanted to clean. 

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