thelittlewolf45/Doctor Who: Jack Harkness

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"Star! We have to leave now!" my father, Jack Harkness, yelled at me.

I was shooting at some dino like creatures with my laser gun when the dinosaurs were just getting too close.

I grabbed my dad's hand and we ran for our lives. We went past trees, deadly plants, and other horrific things that this planet had. The creatures were catching up to us, so I let go of my dad's hand and started shooting at them.

I was pretty much backward running, not having a clue of where I was going.

Finally, when I had thought I had shot enough, I turned around to see my dad several feet away and I fell into a lake.

It felt like a thousand bricks had hit me with the ice cold water. I was terrifyingly freezing. I felt myself sinking into the water and trying to yell to my dad, but no words came out.

Jack's POV

"Phew, that was a close one Star," I panted as I reached inside the TARDIS.

The Doctor in his leather jacket looked at me strangely and worried.

"Jack," the Doctor pronounced.


I turned around and I noticed my daughter wasn't behind me. My heart stopped and I froze, desperately looking at the Doctor.

"Where-how?" I asked.

"Jack," the Doctor said and walked towards me.

I felt my heart just about to beat out of my chest as I stressfully placed my hands on my neck, fearing for her life. I looked towards the Doctor, hoping he had some plan or something for finding her.

I grabbed my gun and started heading out of the TARDIS.

"Oi! And where are you going?" yelled the Doctor, sprinting after me.

"Doing the logical thing a father would do."

"Jack, you're not going out there!" he said and grabbed my shoulder to turn me around.

"What am I supposed to do, sit on my butt, praying that my daughter is out there still alive?" I asked, raising my voice.

"Jack, let me go out there. Look at you! You're hurt!" the Doctor exclaimed.

I realized until now that my leg was killing me. I remembered the sprain I had when I fell over that rock when I was with Star.


"Look, let me tell you what I have planned, but you won't like it," the Doctor proclaimed and I listened intently to it.

Star's POV

I dragged myself out of the freezing cold pond somehow and reached land. I was gasping for air and my body was as cold as an iceberg. My skin felt tingly and I could barely move.

I searched desperately for my dad or anyone really. My eyes gazed towards a tree and I crawled to it. All of a sudden, I heard an awful noise I never wanted to hear. I turned around to see one of the creature-like-dinosaucers. I screamed and tried to get myself up, but the thing had trapped me with its foot. It peered down towards me, ready to eat me whole.

I remembered the present my dad gave me, and grabbed it. It was his knife when he was younger. I stabbed it on the shoulder and the thing cried, releasing me from it's grip. Claw marks ripped up my shirt and stings from my belly stung from the nails of it's foot. I suddenly went to my feet and started to clumsily run, but the alien soon got on it's feet.

It ran towards me while I ran away. Immediately, it's hand grabbed me and threw me at a tree. Sitting weakly, a blow had hit my head and I touched my head to feel a warm ooze coming down my forehead.

I gritted my teeth while the creature ran at me. I felt so weak to get up so again, grabbing the knife, I whispered under my breath, "Come at me bro."

The thing continued to run and when it was just a good distance away, I threw my knife at him.

And luckily, it hit him right in the chest, making him fall to the ground. All those throwing knife lessons with dad really paid off.

I didn't have much time to celebrate my victory for I felt myself slipping away. I didn't realize how tired and weak I was. Including, really cold. Leaning against the tree, I sighed and looked to my side to see a figure running towards me.

No more than a few moments later with my vision blurry, the man took me into his arms and carried me away, making me feel warm in his arms.

"Star, it's gonna be alright," the voice said as he ran.

"Doctor?" I asked and I passed out


Humming. That's the first thing I heard. It was one of my favorite songs called Golden by Fall Out Boy. I felt comfortable where I was and I realized, I was in my room on my bed in the TARDIS. But who was humming? And who was tugging on my hair?

"Dad?" I squeaked as I still laid on my side, realizing he was braiding my hair and I didn't want to interrupt him.

"Good morning, Star," he said and stopped humming. I could vision him smiling right now.

"What-what happen?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

He chuckled, "That's a long story and a story for another time."

I nodded and I finally turned around towards him. He let go of my braid and I smiled at him.

Suddenly, his arms were around me and he whispered in my ear, "You are the only person in this world that makes me happy, Star. And I never want to lose you."

"I love you, Dad," I said quietly and snuggled my head into his shoulder.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

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