FandomGeek56/Harry Potter: Fred Weasley

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Holding my books close to me, I entered my potions class, searching for my desk.

"Good morning, Miss Rachel," Professor Snape remarked as he stood by a desk with Fred Weasley, watching me reach to my seat. Fred's brown eyes flashed at mine, but I instantly looked away.

Surprisingly, there was cushiony blanket on top of my chair and it was quite pretty too. It looked like a small Persian carpet with maroon, yellow, and black. My lips curled a bit as soon as Professor Snape called the class to order.

Quickly, I sat in my seat to hear a loud farting sound coming from me. Embarrassment was all that I felt. The whole class strangely looked at me, but not Fred Weasley. He was looking away, trying not to laugh. After a few awkward seconds, the whole class burst out laughing. Snape tried to call the class to settle down, but they wouldn't.

I observed around the classroom of who would do this. But immediately, my eyes laid on Fred.

Anger boiled in me as I fumed towards Fred and uttered, "You-" Then WAM! Punched him in the face.

The whole class fell silent including Snape. Fred's mouth was wide open in shock. Realizing what I did, my eyes widened and I briskly ran out of the room. The professor called for me, but I just couldn't go back after that humiliation.

"Rachel! Wait!" I heard a different voice. As I entered the corridors, I stopped and turned to see Fred running towards me.

Panting, he held his hand up as he stopped in front of me.

"I'm-I'm sorry, Rachel. It's just..." Fred discontinued with a bruise on the side of his face.

I crossed my arms to show my anger. "What?"

He sighed. "Nothing."

I groaned and walked away.

"Wait!" he cried again.

"What now?!" I was super mad now and stopped again to face him.

Fred's hair was ruffed up and he stood straighter. "Will you go out with me?"

"Excuse me, but the last time I check you pulled an embarrassing prank on me."

"Let me-let me just make it up to you then," he pleaded and came closer to me.

"No pranks. Nothing. Just a nice...dessert meal."

"Seriously? Dessert?"

"Yes. Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour! Yes there!" His face lid up at the sound of ice cream.

I chuckled a bit and my mood slowly slipped away. I uncrossed my arms and pronounced,"Fine. Eight o' clock. Tonight."

He laughed. "Swell! I'll pick you up!"

I smiled and nodded, feeling excited about this date. Suddenly, I remembered Snape and I quickly ran to class.

"Rachel, what are you doing?" yelled Fred as I ran.

"Class!" I cried and Fred was soon on my heels.


"So what's your favorite flavor?" I asked as I licked my mint chocolate chip.

Fred surprisingly did not forget our date and he licked scrumptiously. Though, every time I looked at him, I wanted to laugh because of his large bump of his face.

"It's Florean Fortescue's famous flavor! Triple Chocolate Peanut Butter Caramel Strawberry with a tint of Dragon Pepper," Fred boasted and devoured it again.

I laughed at his action and continued to lick mine. My eyes flickered to his brown ones. I've never really noticed how attractive Fred was. His long red hair complimented his pale skin with his large doe brown eyes.

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