Abinator2302/Dean Winchester

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Crap, these Dean gifs are life. :3 STOP BEING SO FRICKIN PERFECT. Oh wait, Leonardo da Vinci already confirmed that. Never mind. 

I write such long requests, wow. Hope you like this one! Please comment down below what you think!


It was the anniversary. The anniversary of my older brother's death. And right now, all I wanted to do was the kill the heartless demon who ruined my life. The sinister creature created a monster out of me, a hunter. I killed to satisfy the want for him to be gone, but it seemed never to be full. I thirsted for his blood on my hands and to choke him till there was no life left. But for a year, there was no sign of my brother's killer. And now, I felt as though my life as a hunter was for nothing since he was still out there. 

"Abbey, you wanna play a game of pool? Get some cash? Let loose for a while?" asked the eldest Winchester with a pat on my back. He took a seat next to me on the bar while I stared at my whiskey.

"No, thanks," I said in monotone, not feeling like doing anything, but drinking away my misery. 

"Hey, what's going on, Miss Not Goody-Goody?" asked Dean and gave me a slight nudge. 

"Today about a year ago, my brother died and now, I-," I clenched my whiskey glass hard, "I can't stop thinking about that son of a-"

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering rang out and immediately, my hand bled with glass stuck in it. Cursing loudly, my jaw tightened and Dean weakly comforted me, telling me to take it easy. Finally looking at Dean, my eyes began to get glassy with the pain from the glass and my brother's death. 

Again, Dean's eyes sucked me in like they always did. They wouldn't let me go and I couldn't help, but let in all of the feelings flood into me that I had been keeping in. From our first hunt together about a year ago after my brother's death, the feelings for him came instantly. I couldn't get him out of my head. I couldn't get rid of the tingles in my stomach. I couldn't have a single dream without him in it. 

And yet I couldn't bring myself to tell him how I felt. 

"Abbey," his hand laid on top of my back and his voice hushed, "We'll find your brother's killer, I promise you. And when we do, I'll let you have the first stab, okay?"

I chuckled slightly and in response, he smirked. His smooth smirk made my gut stir, made me get goosebumps, made me just fall in love with him a little harder. A little harder to tell him those three words. 

Affirming his comment, he added, "I'll be right behind you."

I smiled. "You always have been, Dean. You don't need to remind me."

Realizing that I may have just hinted that I liked him, I shut up quickly. 

He chuckled and look down for a moment. He continued, "Yeah, I guess so."

"But Abbey," he was serious now, "I want you to be careful. With this bloodlust for-"

Suddenly, we were interrupted by Sam crashing into the bar. 

"Abbey," Sam uttered. 

"What is it?" I asked unanticipatedly.

He continued, "He's here. Your brother's killer is here in town."

He's here. The day has come for my revenge, I thought. Finally, I can have his blood on my hands. 

Looking at Dean, I planted a small smile on me. Dean still stayed silent and expressionless, but another one of his amazing smirks came. I couldn't help, but wonder, "What was he going to tell me?"

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