1DRules3456/Doctor Who

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I woke up with a huge crashing noise and a huge jolt. I sprung from my bed in the TARDIS and ran downstairs to the Doctor.

"Doctor?!" I yelled as I walk down the stairs. He was fiddling with the buttons of the TARDIS and the levers.

"Doctor what in the world have you done?" I asked as I walked next to him.

"I havent don't anything, Grace! The TARDIS just landed here for some odd reason!" he said while runnning towards the blue doors and opened them wide. Outside we had landed in a forest, which seemed dark, gloomy, like something evil was in the air. A couple yards was a huge run-down hospital with a crooked sigh that said "Peterson Hospital."

He started walking outside and brought his sonic-screwdriver, scanning the place. The Doctor did his little flinging thing and looked at it.

"Doctor?" I asked curiously.

He had a concerned face on him and soon it turned into a grin. He ran towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Hey! Where are we going?" I asked frightened by his jesture.

He stopped in front of me really close and exclaimed, "There is something in that hospital that the TARDIS wants us to find it. So-o-o c'mon!"

He started dragging me to the hospial then stopped again. "Wait first you have to change," he said looking at me.

I looked at myself and realized that I was still wearing my short blue night gown. 

"Oh yeah..." I remarked and laughed. The Doctor laughed with me and started scanning his eyes down my body.

"Oi! Are you checking me out?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh uh no. Not at all," he replied looking shameful.

I laughed a bit and shook my head as I entered the TARDIS to change.

In the hospital

The Doctor and I finally entered the creepy hospital. The white empty halls were flickering from the broken light bulb. I grabbed a flashlight from my backpack and turned it on. I gazed around the hallways, just waiting for something to pop out.

We began walking until we stopped dead in our tracks as soon as we heard a little girl laugh, which seemed very close to us.

"What in the world was that?" I mumbled, clearly freaked out by the laugh.

Again, the Doctor pulled out his sonic-screwdriver and pointed it all around us.

"Something really horrible. Really horrible," he murmured looking up a bit frightened.

I felt a soft hand snake into mine. The Doctor's. I smiled and gave him a squeeze, which he returned. We started walking again clutching each other's hand. As we continued walking, we kept hearing feet scatter and giggles along the way. 

All of a sudden, the lights turned off. I shrieked and clutched the Doctor's arm. I flickered back on and in front of us we four human sized dolls walking towards us, while some childish music was playing in the back ground.

"We just want to play," said one with red hair.

"Doctor, what are those things?" I asked backing away from them.

"P-peg dolls. But how could they be possibly be here?" he replied stepping away from them with me.

The lights turned off again again. Darkness and silence filled the air. Not a single peep was heard.

Then light was on again and the dolls were closer this time. They had their hands out like living zombies.

"Grace run!" yelled the Doctor as he and I sprinted down the hall away from them, still having our hands linked together.

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