phanisforevermyotp2/Harry Potter

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The boy who lived. More like the boy whom I was in love with.

I just couldn't peel my eyes away from him. My eyes would take a look at him for a few moment, but then when I looked away, I ached to look back again into his green eyes. Harry was everything that I wanted in a guy. He was kind, generous, and headstrong. Qualities that I didn't really consist of.

But the problem was, I was in Slytherin and he's in Gryffindor. Goodness, it's Romeo and Juliet all over again, but I just don't know how Romeo feels in the first place.

You're like a sick love puppy, Chloe.

I'd always taken curiosity at the boy who lived, but it grew when we went onto a field trip to Hagrid's about monsters. It began with a look from him, surprisingly. We connected for a moment, but I was too scared what to do. So I looked away.

Finally, Harry and I were combined in a group together to discuss the monster we had just learned about. We surprisingly clicked like magnets. For a few moments, I forgot I was in Slytherin or any house. Harry had that effect, which was part of why I fell for him so hard.

Days past and I saw Harry more often during the field trips we were on about the monsters of this wizarding world. Hermione and Ron didn't enjoy my company due to me being a Slytherin, but it seemed like Harry sure liked me. As a friend or more, I was still confused.

But, the week of field trips were over. Harry and I hadn't spoken for two days and I missed Harry. I missed our awkward yet sometimes deep conversations. His sass made me laugh when he smart-talked Draco. The way Harry treated was unlike anyone had ever treated me.

Oh goodness, I'm so pathetic when it comes to love.

Anyways, supper ended quickly after my forty-second glance at Harry. Leaving the hall, I took one last glance at him, but this time, he caught it. The same eyes that made my knees buckle, shot into my brain. They were fierce and could make any girl tremble. Holding the look longer than I should of, I quickly separated them from Harry and walked down the corridor to head to the library.

But, an arm pulled me back and took me into another empty corridor. Gasping, the arm let me go and my eyes just weren't believing who was in front of me. Harry stood there with such concern and wonder inside his eyes.

"Harry," I breathed out.

"Chloe, can I talk to you for a moment?" asked Harry with his voice cracking in his question.

Swallowing, I nodded and taking my hand, Harry pulled me into a closet, full of shelves and medicines. My heart began to pound and since my knees were shaking, it was difficult to even walk.

"Harry-" I began to say, but suddenly, a kiss interrupted my sentence.

Kissing him back with passion, I knew my knees would give out on me soon from what was going on. Harry's hand gently grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him while my hands escaped to his cheeks. I never wanted this moment to end, but telling him my love for him was impossible for me to keep it inside for long.

But, Harry instead pulled back and his eyes locked onto mine. He looked at me in a way that I never thought I could be looked at. He and I had connected in ways I thought I could never connect.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now," he stated simply.

Feeling myself blushing, I added, "Took you long enough."

He smirked and chuckled. But suddenly, his laugh began to slowly to drift off and my chest began to squeeze as worry sunk into my brain.

"But, Chloe, we can't continue this," Harry said.

Random Fandom Imagines (Requests Closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora