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"Oh come on, Nick! Please?" I begged Nick Fury. Yes, Nick from the Avengers.

"Abigail, I understand that you want to follow the footsteps of your brother, but I don't know if this kind of stuff is cut out for you," he replied. We were standing in the Avengers head quarters in a small conference room, sorting things out between me, wanting to be an Avenger, and him, not letting me.

"Oh my gosh! Nick? Stuff isn't cut out for you? You know what I can do!" I exclaimed with my hands in the air.

Nick sighed and looked at the ground, shuffling his feet. He finally looked up at me with his strong browned eyes and said, "Fine. But you start right now."

I laughed with joy and for some odd reason hugged him. He seemed a bit taken back at the hug and did not hug me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Nick!" I exclaimed and let go.

All of a sudden, a male agent walked into the conference room pronouncing, "Sir, something or someone has crashed unto earth."

"Any where abouts?" asked Nick, determined to know where.

"We have no clue, sir. But somewhere around the eastern hemisphere. Around the southern area, sir."

Nick turned around to face me.

"Well, I guess this is your first job, Abi," he said sternly.

I squealed, but immediately stopped and stated, "Yes, sir."

I ran outside into the fresh air, placed me fist on the ground, and jumped, flying through the air. Yes, this is who I am. I can fly, move things through my mind, and time manipulate. Cool, right? Not really. I mean yes, but there are faults to it. Early through my childhood years, I was picked on and bullied because of what I was. And the one who was always there beside me was my brother.

He helped me every step of the way. Standing up to them, when I couldn't. When he was older, he was an agent and became part of the Avengers. He died not long ago in a war. That's why today, I decided I wanted to become part of the Avengers so I feel closer to him, even though I know he would always be with me. 

Right now I was flying and looking around for any signs of something weird. Soon, something caught my eye. In a field, I saw a black haired man with an emerald color armour on him, lying down unconscious. Everything was dirt around him, almost like he was thrown down here like a meteorite crater.

I flew down and crouched next to him, examining his body. On his face he had been hit because blood was flowing down. He was extremely muscular, sharp handsome looks, and one beautiful face.

"Hello Abi?" I heard my Bluetooth said from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Yes Nick over," I said.

"Have you found anything?"

"Yes I did. I found a body exactly where you told me where it was. It's almost like when he landed, it was like a meterorite crater. Over," I said touching his armour.

"Abigail, what does the man look like?"

I descripted his body, detailing his armour and looks.

I heard mumbling in my Blutooth, almost like a discussion was happening.

"Nick?" I asked.

"Abi, stay away from the man."

"Why? He's unconsious."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Nick."

"Fine. We'll send our helicopters there to pick him up."

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