helenelyghaug/Draco Malfoy

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It's funny how being stuck in a cold, silent basement can really bring you to think. To rethink why life had brought you to this exact moment. But to also rethink if there was any possible way of not being in this position. 

Maybe one was to not fall for the Slytherin boy. 

Footsteps were suddenly heard coming down from the basement steps. Lifting my head full of short brown hair, my eyes saw black clothed legs coming down the steps. Jail bars stopped me from my contact to this person or to even escaping. With rage inside of me growing, I clenched my Hogwarts dress, prepared to whats to come. 

My green eyes hardened. Draco had come. 

Carrying a tray of porridge, the Malfoy boy's eyes seemed saddened and sorry at my pitiful position, sitting on the floor helpless. 

He had used the worst weapon to bring me to him, my heartless father. Love. He used love to bring me back to this hell hole, which I never wanted to come back to. 

Setting the tray down and sliding it under, I turned my head to not even look at him. 


"Go away, Malfoy."

His footsteps signaled to me that he came closer as he began again. "I-"

Shifting my head to him to see those striking eyes again, I glared at him and pushed away my food violently, making my breakfast spill. 

"I said, go away, Draco!" 

Seem taken back by my action, he winced slightly and opened his mouth once more, but to only walk away back upstairs. 

"Yeah, go and run back to your father and tell him what I've done!" I yelled loudly back at him.

Tears began to enter my eyes once more. Didn't I already cry enough yesterday when they took me? Back to my home where I never wanted to come back to? I knew my father only wanted me for part of his plan, to get rid of the boy. And that was why he used Draco, to bring me back. 

I tried to wipe them away, but only more came out. Anger, hurt, frustration, I didn't know what I felt. It all seemed the same thing. 

My mind abruptly brought me back to the time when we first held hands. It was Christmas eve, and I remembered how cold it was. The frost bite hitting my nose, the way the wind blew in your hair, how soft the snow flakes were. I had been walking down the corridors of Hogwarts with Draco. We weren't supposed to be out since it was past our curfew. He and I were just friends at that point, but in the next spare moments, that would change. 

"Draco, tell me again why were are out?" I asked, hopping down the halls with him in my kitty cat pajamas. It was slightly embarrassing. 

Glancing at him, he asked, "What? Can't have a little fun on Christmas eve?"

"I thought you didn't like Christmas."

"If you spend it with the right people." His clever eyes peered at me. 

I rolled my eyes and continued this walk down the hallway. We had fun, I had to admit. It was pleasant talking to a handsome, young man, who seemed interested in you. 

Unexpectedly, a door closing was heard behind us and a murmur of voices. We froze and looked at each other. 

"Draco, what do we-"

"Run, Helene!" he whispered and in an instant, we ran for our lives. 

"Quick, the library!" I proclaimed as I pointed my finger to the door in front of us. 

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