firehearts_warriors/Fred Weasley

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Fred is on the right if you can't tell which one he is. 


Having a good book to read always completed my day with no distractions or interference.

With myself sitting in Hogwarts courtyard, I turned another page to read more about the history of quidditch. Suddenly, a blonde boy entered the small grassy-area with a stupid smirk on him and behind him his cockroaches as they caught my eye. But unfortunately, I caught Draco's eye. 

My blue eyes went back to my book, hoping he wouldn't come towards. Draco and I had history. Bully history, you could say. 

"Wow, Andy. Didn't think you were such a pathetic nerd," Draco sneered when he stuck his hands inside his pocket.

I clenched my jaw. When people interrupted me while I read, it really ticked me off. 

"Why don't you leave me alone, Draco?" I asked as I glared at him. 

"Why not? You're so much fun to pick on," he smiled and came to my level.

"Get away from me, Draco or I'll call-"

"You'll call who? Your mummy?" Draco and his mates laughed.

Feeling irritated by them, I knew the only way they would leave me alone would be me separating myself from them. So by standing up, I shut my book and began to walk away, but my book was pulled away from my grasp.

Gasping, I turned quickly to see that Draco had stolen it. With my teeth clenched together, I yelled at him to give it back to me, but he refused and threatened to rip it. Tears began to enter my eyes as I knew I would be severely punished if I returned back a ripped or damaged book from the library. My hands were throwing around to get if, but Draco was just too tall for me to reach the paper-bounded book.

"Aye! You, scoudenrel!" I heard a voice from behind me. My head directed to a tall, good-looking auburn haired man, being a few steps away from me. He looked like he was a one or two years ahead of me. I had seen him before around Hogwarts, but never really knew him. Wasn't he one of the Weasleys'?

Draco chuckled. "A prince to save the princess eh, Weasley?"

"Why don't you go and pick on your own size, you scumbag instead of this girl?" the boy said and took a step closer to him. 

"You don't scare me, Weas-"

He unexpectedly ceased. His face turned sour and pure horror as his hands went immediately to his trousers. 

"Ants in your pants, Malfoy?" asked Fred and began to laugh, seeing Draco itching away as he ran.

I escaped a laugh as Draco yelled with his ducklings following him, "My father will here about this!"

Turning the corner, I laughed with Weasley and realized Draco had dropped my book. My savior picked it up and handed it to me. 

Bringing it towards my chest, I said, "Thanks for that."

The man smiled and replied, "No problem. Malfoy can be a wuss and a peasant. He needed some payback for what he's done."

I chuckled. "Did you give him the-"

He laughed. "That was all mother nature."

But, he smirked, signaling that he had some part of it. 

"What's your name? I've seen you around Hogwarts, but never caught it," I asked.

"Fred Weasley, at your service." He gave me a dramatic bow.

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