ElenaMoriarty/Dean Winchester

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This gif...I can't get it over it. Please let me know if you feel the same. By the way, sorry about this request being long, lol, there was so much I wanted to put in. XD But I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know in the comments if you liked it!

ElenaMoriarty I hope you like it!


One deceased male. One car crash. One security footage of a woman in white.

Moving my jaw slightly, I pressed the space bar on the computer to play again the footage once more. Again, the same white woman in the passenger seat appeared again with bright eyes, sending my skin tingles. When the car had disappeared, the crash was only a couple seconds later.

"Can you identify the woman, Agent Carver?" asked the officer with her southern accent thickening every moment.

"I afraid not, but do mind if I get some photos of each frame?" I asked, leaning away and pointing at the screen.

"Sure," the officer stated and began to walk to the door, opening it. But two other men suddenly entered with nice suits on. And let me add, the sharp-dressed men were extremely attractive.

Especially the one with dirty blonde hair. His stubble fit him well and his light green eye were like lightning as they met mine. My heart skipped a beat at first look.

"Agent Harrison, and Agent Carver," the dark-haired suit man proclaimed with their badges up. Off the bat, I noticed they were fake. Maybe they were hunters like myself?

"Hey, you and hamster related?" asked the officer. "Same last names."

Thinking of something quickly, I grinned and my voice ascended three volumes up, looking at Agent "Carver."

"Sweetheart, I didn't know we were working on the same case," I stated and casually came by the agent, who had a surprised look on his face. Squeezing my arms around his busty one, my hands tightened really hard, signaling to play along.

He nervously laughed and gave me an awkward pat on the arm, still looking at the officer. "What a pleasant surprise, Patty-"

"Poppy, dear," I corrected quickly, having some fun in this.

"Poppy," he hastily said and chuckled awkwardly.

"Well that's wonderful!" the officer proclaimed. "You know we've got these great meetings in town about you know," she winked, "the bed works. It's really helped my husband and I bond more. And I mean," she leaned over and hushed her voice, "In many ways."

Cringing every moment with a phony grin, I nodded and replied, "Yep, sounds fantastic. My husband, Ken-"


"Ben and I will definitely," I patted his chest, "Look into that. We need it."

The officer chuckled and commented on our sweet relationship. Leaving us a few moments later, my wifey expression collapsed and I went back to the desk to see the photos already printed out.

"Ok, missy, what was that?" asked my now ex-"husband" with a provoked face on him.

"Improvisation," I stated and looked at the photos.

"You're not a real agent, are you?" asked the giant.

Still gazing at the photos, I replied, "I'm not the only one, am I?"

"Are you here for the Woman in White case?" asked hamster.

"Yep. And it's mine."

"I don't think so," blondie proclaimed and came by my side about to snatch the photos, but my reflects were quicker than his.

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