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After kicking the last guard in the shin, making it break, I pounded myself into the my target's office. Luckily, it was empty. The mahogany office was dimly lit with a desk in front and a bookshelf behind it. A file cabinet stood in a corner.

Dashing to the cabinet, I looked through them all until I pulled out the document I had my eyes set on. Smirking, I held the piece of paper in the air.

"Gotcha," I stated.

Suddenly, a violent bust-in came through the brown doors. A man. An incredibly handsome man. His face was long and quite chiseled with brown hair waved up. His muscles were bulging out of his shirt and his biceps were probably as big as my head.

A questioned look came upon him as our moment turned kinda awkward.

"Um, hi," I started.

He didn't answer for a while, but soon stuck out a sword at me and asked, taking a few steps, "I believe you have something of mine."

"Finders keepers."

Realizing this incredibly attractive man was also after the document, I quickly kicked out of his hand his sword. Taken back by my extremely fast action, he immediately attacked me with his other sword that he had. Our fight was long and difficult with punches and kicks flying everywhere. Suddenly, he pinned me against a wall with having a firm grip on my wrists.

"I'm impressed," he slyly said with a smirk.

"Impressed with what?" I asked as I struggled to get out of his grip.

"All of those dead security guards? You're like a unstoppable machine." His dark eyes came closer to me. This guy was giving me the chills.

"I'm Wade by the way."

"We're not here to flirt, scumbag."

"I didn't catch your name, hm?"

I groaned and kneed him in the groan.

Flinching, his grip was loose and punching him again, I grabbed the document to head out. But I was too slow for him since he grabbed my arm and twisted me around. Grabbing the paper from my hand, he laughed, but instead I kicked him in the stomach, which made him drop it.

In a flash, he grabbed my leg, twisted it, and fell to ground on my stomach. Pain shocked my leg as my opponent had broken my leg. Touching it ever so slightly, the man roughly turned me over onto my back. Taking in short breaths, he straddled me while I began to panic.

"I've got to give it to you, you're pretty badass," he stated as his hand grabbed my torso, holding me down. His eyes suddenly connected with mine. There was something wild inside them. What that lust? Or was that anger?

Then, one of his arms rose up to collide with my face, but before he punch me, my hand grabbed his fist and I twisted his arm. Pulling him into a hemlock, my arm squeezed his neck. He desperately tried to get out, but his loosing of breath made him weak. Though I didn't kill him, he soon felt loose in my grip as he became unconscious. 

Letting him go cautiously, I scrambled up and quickly grabbed the precious document. 

"The name's Kumi," I said as I clutched my bag and left the premise, limping with a broken leg. 

Days had past and I often thought of Wade. Those wild, piercing eyes stung into my mind and whenever I closed my eyes, they were there, staring at me. Even though he was a jerk, I had something small on him I guess. He was talented on his fighting skills, but arrogance came in the way.

Starting on another heist, I entered a high-security building with in mind of stealing something else. After attacking a few more guards, I slowly walked into a hallway and flicked open my knife out. I instantly froze as I saw scattered across the floor more unconscious guards. Before I could think, someone attacked me behind my back, flicking my knife out of my hand. 

And again, a dual started. Not even knowing who my attacker was, my opponent was ready and prepared. He was fast and he was powerful. Then, I took a good look at my opponent as I slammed him down to the ground. It was Wade, the man who haunted my dreams every night. 

"Wade?" I asked, but his response was to push me off with his foot. Before I knew it, those same eyes stared at me as he roughly pounded me into the wall. Wade's hands held my forearms up and our moment became sincere. 

His angry eyes turned wild and want-like. Then, his lips were kissing mine. It was rough, deep, and unexpected. I suddenly became more loose and less struggling to get out of his arms. I was strangely enjoying it. 

Our moment ended quickly as he took a breath, yet his face was still close to mine. In fact our noses were almost touching. 

"I can't stop thinking about you, Kumi-"

"How do you know-"

"There's such thing as the internet."

I stucked in my lips and looked down. 

"When I saw you, I knew you were different and I fell...fell for you immediately."

His eyes peered up at me and was a bit confused by what he said. He loves me? 

"Work with me, Kumi." Wade's hot breath was on my face as he said it in a hushed voice. "Work with me and we'll be on top of the world if you join me as master thieves. I know your talent. You're strong-willed, powerful-"

I grabbed his face and kissed him once more, but this time I aggressively flipped him over and he hit the wall. The kiss was an aching one as he passionately kissed me back. Wade's hand went up and down my back, but as he reached my waist, he squeezed. I pushed his head towards mine more as I pressed my body against his. 

I ended the heated moment as he asked, "Is that a yes?"

I smirked and parted myself from him. "You're gonna have to work for that."

Grabbing my knife that was on the floor, I gave him a wink and motioned my head for him to walk with me. He seductively gave me a smirk as he and I strolled over the unconscious bodies, ready to conquer the world. 

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