whovian3135/Merlin: Mordred

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"Alanna, you be careful now!" my mother yelled back to be as I exited our home. I was to travel into the forest to collect some herbs since we were low on medications.

"I will!" I yelled back with a wave.

I walked down a road that went into the woods and I soon took a trail deeper into it.

Since the last few days had been crammed with heavy rain, today was finally a sunny day. Yes it was humid, but I enjoyed the sun. It hit my pale skin and radiant golden locks while I clutched my basket.

Soon, I reached the bush where I needed my herbs. I bent down to pick some when suddenly, I heard a groan.

My heart froze and it made me switch my eyes from side to side. Absolutely nothing. Then I heard it again. But this time it was a cough. I stood up slowly and peeked over the bush.

I immediately spotted an injured young man, clutching his stomach. He was banged up from head to toe with blood and bruises all over him.

"Sir!" I said and ran to his side.

His eyes traveled to mine. They were a brilliant pair of blue eyes and his hair was dark with curly locks. He was very handsome indeed.

"We need to get you do Gaius!" I exclaimed and grabbed my things, but the man grabbed my arm. He shook his head and nodded towards the herbs in my basket.

"But, I- oh alright," I said. "But I'm going to need bandages and I'll be right back."

His eyes looked worried.

"Trust me. I'll come back alone," I remarked and with a quick smile, I dashed back home.

In no later that ten minutes, I arrived back, panting and feeling hot like crazy.

"Okay, I got the bandages," I said, taking a deep breath.

I started unrolling them when the man said, "Mordred."

"Excuse me?"

"My name is Mordred."

"Mordred, are you a Lord or knight of some kind?" I asked.

"I am a knight of a distant country. What is your name, my fair lady?"

I smiled and said, "Alanna. And I am no knight or Lord, but just a merchant with my mother."

Mordred smiled and said, "Well, I am entirely glad that you have found me."

"And I you." I helped him sit up to patch his wounds while I asked him questions about him.

"How did you get hurt?" I asked while placing a bandage on his arm with the medication.

"Some bandits attacked me. Took everything from me, including my sword," he replied.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Please, it's the bandits who should be sorry," Mordred remarked and gleaned his eyes at me.

I gave him a gentle smile and looked away to get back to my work. I could tell he was still looking at me as I patched him up. It was soon getting dark and I knew I had to leave.

"Here," I said and gave him a dagger.

"Where did you get this?" Mordred asked as he turned it.

"It was my father's. I thought you should probably borough it to protect yourself, just in case if anything harms you," I said and stood up.

Mordred nodded and I started to walk away from him with my stuff.

"Wait, Alanna!" Mordred shouted.

I turned around quickly, facing him.

"Thank you," he said.

I smiled back at him and I left, praying he would be alright.

Days had past, and Mordred was healing quickly. In no less than five days, he could stand up and walk, but his strength was still weak. I moved him to a cave, deeper into the forest where he could stay, heal, and be more safe. Mordred practiced with my father's dagger as a sword to remember his skills of a knight.

Mordred was a brave and strong fighter no doubt about it. The way he flung his 'sword' and moved so quickly was attractive and fun to watch.

One night, we were sitting by a fire, looking up at the stars when I suddenly felt chilly. I guess Mordred could tell because before you knew it, his arms were around me, keeping me close and warm.

"Alanna?" he asked.

"Yes, Mordred?" I asked him back.

"I have to leave soon."

I looked at him and gave his a questioned look. "What? Why?"

"The queen that I serve is impatient and she will search for me in time. She will go through these lands, and I don't want her to find you," he replied, having his eyes stare at mine.

"Why not? She sounds like a good queen if she was going to go and search for you."

Mordred looked down and said, "Well she is a good queen, but what she does to strangers isn't nice."

I bent down my head and nodded. "I understand."

"So I must leave tomorrow."


"Alanna, I am well! I am all healed, thanks to you. I can now serve my queen again and hopefully," Mordred turned his head towards me. "Come back for you."

Softly and slowly, we kissed. It was something I had never felt before. Love for him sprung like a flower and blossomed when I kissed him. Putting more pressure on, Mordred's hand caressed my cheek. We soon parted and I looked up at him.

"Mordred?" I asked.

"Yes, Alanna?" he questioned.

"May I stay here for the night with you?"

He smiled and said, "Of course."

With his arm wrapped around my waist and my hand on his chest, we slept together in a deep sleep, wanting this night to never end.

Feeling like it was just moments later, morning shone through the cave. I opened my eyes slowly and felt no man hugging me. I turned to see that my Mordred was gone.

At first I felt like yelling for his name, telling him to come back. But I knew I couldn't. I did feel a tear escape as I stood up. Suddenly I noticed a piece of paper on top a rock in the cave. I sprinted towards it and read the note desperately.

My Dear Alanna,

By now you are awake and wondering where I am. But I assume you know since you are a smart girl. I didn't want to wake you up since you sleeping so peacefully, and I knew you would be extremely mad if I didn't say goodbye to you. So I wrote this.

Alanna, last night was the most spectacular night in my whole entire life. You've made me realize how I really need you. How much I want you and how much I love you.

So I tell you, Alanna, I love you. I love you so much. And I will come back for you. Not anytime soon but, I will come back to this cave since this place has created a mark on my mind for the days I spent with you.

I thank you for the day you found me and healed me quickly. Your careful hands patched me up well. You should become a physician!

This isn't a farewell or goodbye, but a I will see you soon, Alanna. I promise.


A tear dropped on the piece of paper as I finished reading this. I don't know why I was crying. He's coming back. I should be joyful about this.

I smiled and whispered, "I love you too, Mordred."

Even though I knew he would never hear it now, Mordred would hear it soon.

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