shyfangirl46/Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor

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Slicing my wrist for the final time, I placed my bloody razor down and looked at the bathroom mirror. Life was hard for me, especially when your'e not exactly human. My eyes changed color when my mood changes. And you may think it's blessing, but not really when all your life you've been verbally and physically abuse at school because of who you were.

I sighed and washed the blade, seeing the blood mix with the water. Glancing at my scars, I choked on a tear. Suddenly, a strange noise was heard from the shower. Giving myself a questioning a look, I slowly opened the shower curtain. Gasping loudly, a big blue box stood in the shower. What the heck is this?

Then something even stranger happen. A man opened a door from the box and peeked his head out. His eyes instantly widened and his mouth opened.

"Oh goodness. I'm so sorry I didn't-" The handsome man swallowed nervously while I just stop there puzzled and freaked about this guy, who just came into my bathroom.

Then, his eyes started to turn sharp as he saw my razor and blood on it. "Are you cutting yourself?"

I gulped and shook my head. "Uh I was doing um, shaving my legs. And I uh cut myself."

The man nodded and looked away for a moment. "Ok then."

Next thing he did was close the door. I was even more confused. Looking into the mirror, my eyes turned grey and I quickly looked away, sorta shamed by my power.

Suddenly, the man opened his door again and popped his head open. "You- wait, weren't your eyes just green a second ago?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. His eyes widened again and this time he came out of his box. The man man was super tall, lean, and sharp-looking. Taking a few steps back, he looked into my eyes. The guy soon retrieved from his coat pocket a torch thing and shined it on my face.

"What?" I mumbled and closed my eyes, wincing at the light.

After shutting it off, he apologized. But quickly changed his attitude. "I just can't believe it. You're so special and so rare."

I burrowed my eyes. "I'm not that special."

He grasped my shoulders, making me tense. "You have no clue how special and miraculous you are, er, what's your name, lass? Didn't quite catch it."


"Ah, well, Riley, I'm the Doctor. And only the Doctor." He put his hand out and I hesitantly took it. Letting go, he sighed. This man, he is so strange. Who is he? More like what is he?

"Would you like to come and see?" he offered, pointing to the blue box.

Swallowing, I looked at him. Can I trust this man?

"Ah you can trust me. C'mon, let me show you."

And from that instant, I had never left his side. The Doctor had asked me to come with him and go on adventures to places to human had ever been. Space was so much more than I ever thought it was. And for the first time, I felt special. So special that I forgot about my cutting.

I was so caught up in it that I forgot my scars and the bullies at my school. I realize now that they could never hurt me again so long I was with him. In fact, I thought about him a lot like I almost loved him.

But, my cuttings started once again.

Months had now past, and I was coming down into the console to see how the Doctor was doing, when I caught him looking at a screen. And the screen was about me. He was examining me and seeing who I was. He was using me to get more information about the rare species I was in.

I dropped the book in my hand as I stood angry by the stairs.

Quickly, the Doctor turned around and shut off the screen.

"Riley, it's not-"

"It's exactly what it is."

I felt a tear coming as I walked towards the Doctor. Pointing a finger at him, I pronounced, "You used me to get to know my species more. Didn't you Doctor?"

He looked away guilty by it.

I clenched my jaw. "You're sick you know that. I thought I could trust you and continue to travel with you, but there's always a stopping point, right? A point where everything you love and hold dear to most, has to end."

Tears were by now streaming down my face. I started running up the stairs and the Doctor didn't even call my name. He truly doesn't care about me, does he. I felt like screaming and yelling so hard, so turning towards the Doctor, I yelled, "I should have never gone with you. I should have stayed home and continued to live a miserable life like I was born to have! I was nothing! You are nothing Doctor! Nothing but a lonely man who shatters every single piece of the person who stays with you!"

Wiping a tear, I screamed, "I hate you!"

The Doctor's face was torn and now a tear had slowly come down his cheek. Sobbing, I ran upstairs to grab my things. Going into my bathroom, I leaned against the sink and let everything out. Spotting my razor, I cut myself, harder and slower. I groaned as now I placed the bleeding razor on my stomach. Suddenly, the door flew open as a teary-eyed Doctor stared at me.

"You-" I pointed as his face looked glum and sorry for what I was doing to myself.

"Riley." And his arms immediately came around me. Not refusing to get him off me, I let everything out. My tears, my soul, everything into that hug. Dropping the razor, I cried more as I clinged onto his coat.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I cried.

"Oh Riley," he said, muffling in my hair. "You aren't nothing. You are not nothing to me or this world. You have one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. And you're going to ruin that by destroying your body and soul by such negative comments about yourself?"

He brought my tear-stained face in his hands as he looked at me. "The world and my world would crumble if something terrible happened to you."

His words of kindness filled me as suddenly, he placed a soft kiss on my lips. Pulling back, I gave him a weak smile.

"There's never a stopping point to loving you, Riley. And I am too sorry about looking you up. I was curious and I would never use you, Riley. Never."

Our foreheads touched, and for the first time I felt so beautiful.

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