TeaAndSympathy/Doctor Who

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Guys go and follow TeaAndSympathy ! They are a support group with depression, anxiety, and other serious matters. They are always opened to talk if you need someone to listen and to talk to. 

To clear up what this imagine is, Oliver is the Support Group's mascot and he will be used as the main male figure in here. 



"Oliver, did you eat all of that german chocolate ice cream?" 

My purple-haired boyfriend with the sweet blue eyes peeked out of the corner with a sorry smile on him. I sighed deeply and shook my head, closing the freezer in the kitchen. 

"Sarah," he came out of his corner and stepped into the kitchen and began to state, "You made me watch that Sound of Music last night and you know how much I hate musicals! The only thing I can do is --eat ice cream to actually enjoy myself!"

"Oliver, that ice cream was for our sundae party tonight," I remarked and gave another sigh. 

"Sorry, Sarah, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright. You don't need to apologize. C'mon, let's get to the store," I remarked and grabbing my purse, we began our ten minute walk to the nearby grocery store. Clasping my hand in a loving way, his soft skin pressed against mine with the same tingles running up my arm. 

"I truly am sorry, Sarah," he repeated and kissed my hand. 

Smiling, I looked at him and said, "Again, it's fine, Oliver. I understand that you don't like musicals and for now on I promise, we will never watch another musical so that you don't eat the entire freezer of ice cream and get diabetes."

His merry laugh reigned and his hand squeezed harder on mine. "What would I do without you, Sarah?"

I bumped into him playfully. "You wouldn't know the wonderful world of Doctor Who."

"I don't know if it's all that wonderful. You've made me fall into this endless pit of feels, which I just can't get out of."

"That's what season two does to you."

"More like Doomsday."

I groaned. "Never mention Doomsday! My heart just breaks every moment when I think of Rose and Ten being apart. They are literally my babies!"

Oliver just laughed and we continued our sunny stroll with the cars rushing past us like lightning. 

Entering the store, the first thing that popped up were bowties and knowing Oliver would explode, I tried to continue to walk away, but his pull was too strong. 

"Hey, look at this!" 

Putting on a red bowtie with his white buttoned up shirt, the purple hair boy smiled and placing his best british accent, he exclaimed with his hand out, "Sarah, would you like to come on an adventure with me? The adventure of a lifetime?"

I chuckled softly and took his hand. "I'm already on a adventure with you."

Suddenly with the force of his hand, I spun gracefully with laughter ringing in the air. It didn't matter to me that everyone gave us looks or laughed at us. I was here with Oliver, having the time of my life just being with him. 

Crashing into his arms, my boyfriend smiled and planted a small kiss on my nose. "You are so beautiful, Sarah. You truly are."

My cheeks began to get warm as my arms came around his neck, giving him a squeeze to let him know how truly wonderful he was. 

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