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Before the Battle of New York City

"So Loki, how have you been lately?" I asked Loki while we were walking among the golden castle of Asgard. 

"I've been well, thank you Jessica," replied Loki not looking at me, but just on the ground.

I nodded. Loki and I have been making a quite nice acquaintence lately. Ever since he saved me from that frost giant that sneaked into my bedroom several days ago, he hasn't really left my side since. Maybe he's just protecting me or I don't know.

"How have you been Jessica?" asked Loki finally looking up at me with his blue-green eyes. Oh how I love those eyes...

"I'm well too. Thanks," I said. 

Something is up with him, I thought.

We continued walking in silence when I broke it saying with graditude, "Loki, thank you again so much for rescuing from the frost giant. I probably wouldn't be here if you weren't there."

"Hm well you're welcome dear," muttered Loki. 

Again, silence opened up between us. What is wrong with him? He's usually chit-chatting all about how he could rule Asgard better than his father and his wonderful ideas that I strongly support. I mean, yes, I'd rather have Loki be king than a cowardly brother like his brother Thor take the throne. It wouldn't seem right if Thor did. All he would want to do is have war after war after war. 

I was so lost in my thoughts that I saw Loki a bit ahead than me. 

This is it. I'm going to ask him what's up.

"Loki!" said I sort of jogging towards him in my red, golden dress. He turned around as I caught up to him.

"What's up with you Loki? You don't seem like yourself really," I confessed.

"Nothing Jessica. Nothing is wrong," he replied giving me a confused look.

"Hmm really?"


"Oh come on. I know when something is up. Tell me."

He did an annoyed groan and walked away.

"Loki Odinson!" I raised my voice. I fast walked towards him and again he turned around clearly annoyed with me.

"Please tell me what's wrong," I pleaded in my softest voice.

He looked at me for a while and finally said, "Oh you stubborn girl." 

Before I knew it, he slammed his lips into mine. That was not the answer that I was looking for, but I didn't care. I've longed for this ever since I met him. 

His arms trailed slowly down my back  to my waist and held me there. My hands were up in his jet black hair twirling one of his locks. He carefully pushed me against a wall and we just stood there, kissing. 

"Loki!" I heard a scruff voice say that anyone could tell it was Thor. It sounded like he was off in a distance, so hopefully he didn't see us.

We broke sadly, but Loki smirked and said, "You are my problem, Jessica."

I giggled and pecked his lips. 

"I better go. But I will absolutely see you again dear," he whispered. Loki quickly backed away from me and gave me his amazing smile. He waved and disappeared into the castle leaving me filled with his love.

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