hgriermybae/Merlin Pt. I

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"Stop you savage! By the order of King Arthur, I command you to stop!" a male-voiced yelled as I ran from them through the forest.

I was running as fast as I could, making sure the Knights of Camelot couldn't catch up to me or worse kill me by the spot.

Now, you are probably wondering why in the world is this girl running away from King Arthur's men? Well, you asked the right question. Because of who I am.

I am a Druid girl, who has practiced magic ever since I was an infant. I never had a mother, but I had a wonderful father, who taught me all the traditions of being a druid, practicing magic. He died recently of a unknown diesese, which brings sorrow to me everytime I think of him.

I started hearing arrows whizzing past my head, until all of a sudden, a sharp sting hit my shoulder. I fell and I quickly looked behind me. An arrow hit my shoulder and they were coming closer.

I struggled to bring myself up but eventually I did and swiftly ran towards a cave. I entered the darkness and surprisingly they didn't come in.

"We can't go in there. It's a sacred place for those druids. C'mon, we'll search later tonight," I heard one of knights say. The horses galloped away, leaving me in pain and free.

I looked over me shoulder and cracked off some of the arrow. It hurt, but it was worth it. I sat down on the floor of the cave on my side and rested my head against the wall, exhaling a few deep breaths. I didn't intend to go back out there.

What it seemed like hours, my head was starting to kill me. I was loosing a lot of blood and I needed to get out of here before night fall. I started getting up, but my shoulder hurt me so much that I couldn't get up.

I felt like crying so badly. My vision started to get blurry with my tears. Soon I saw a figure coming towards. I wiped my eyes away and started backing away from it.

My vision cleared and I noticed that it was a young man with dark hair, blue eyes matching his shirt and a red scarf.

"G-get away from me!" I said and I winced as the wall hit my wound.

"No no no, please let me help you. You're hurt," the kind man said.

I whimpered a bit, but my consience told me to trust the man. I took a shaky breath and turned, revealing my shoulder.

He slowly came towards me and exaimined my shoulder.

"My...what happened?" he asked in a gentle voice.

I gulped and mumbled, "They came after me. Arthur and his men." I felt a tear slip.

"I'm so sorry. Whats your name?" he asked.

"N-nicole," I said.

"Nicole," he smiled, "what a pretty name."

"I'm Merlin. At your service," he said and bowed his head.

I chuckled a bit and then winced at the pain of my wound.

"Here let me look," he said as he placed his hand on my torn-dark green dress and lifted it up a bit.

Oh no. My Druid symbol.

I moved my shoulder away quickly and said, "It's-it's fine. I'm ok."

"No, you are not alright. Please let me-"

"No. I'll be fine on my own," I started to stand up but felt sleepy and very weak.

"Nicole, please!"

My vision went blurry, turning to black and all I remember is falling.


"Nicole? Hello? Gauis, will she be alright? " I heard voices say.

I flickered my eyes open to see next to me, Merlin, sitting in a chair with his elbows on his knees and his hands supporting his hands. He slowly took his hands away from his head and quickley said, "She's awake."

I peeked over and looked around where I was. It was a small home, full of tiny vials and bottles. All around it smelled like a combination of herbs. I saw an elderly man with a red robe on and walked towards me holding a cup of hot liquid.

"Here, drink this," said Merlin holding a cup of hot liquid after the man gave it to him.

His long fingers fit perfectly around my head as he slowly helped me drink it.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

Merlin flashed me a smile.

"This is Gaius. He helped you clean and stitch up your wound," said Merlin after finishing the cup of tea he gave me. Gaius said hello and turned around to grab something.

"Merlin?" asked the old man who looked like he was about to leave.

"Yes, Gaius?" Merlin asked turning around.

"Stay here with Nicole. I'm going out to retrieve some more herbs for Arthur's headache..." he continued saying.

King Arthur? Merlin works for him? Oh no...

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," I said and started getting off the bed after Gaius left.

"Oh no you don't, Nicole. You're injured!" exclaimed Merlin. He tried to get me back, but my temper out me the most and all of a sudden, my magic got out of control. My eyes flashed and before my eyes, I broke a vase into a million pieces.

Merlin froze and slowly turned around. He didn't change his position, but carefully placed me on the bed.

"I-I'm so sorry. I-" I started to say.

"No no no, it's perfectly fine," reassured Merlin.

"No, it isn't. You work for Arthur and you want me dead because of who I am! Who all of us are! We are your regular people, but our fault is magic! And-"


"Merlin! I-"

"I'm not here to kill you."

"Let me go or- wait what?" I asked and sat down on the bed confused. Merlin sat down back in his chair and stared his sapphire gemed eyes into mine. I never really noticed how beautiful they were.

"Nicole, why would I ever kill you because of who you are and someone who shares the same, well, charm as I do," he said reassuringly.

"What do you mean charm? As in magic?" I asked a bit confused yet excited that maybe someone has something extremely special like me.

Merlin drew out his hand and said a strange word, making his eys flash yellow. And out of his hand sprouted a beautiful red flower, which slowing opened revealing a tiny diamond in the center. My eyes widened as he placed the flower in my brown hair. I looked at the ground and smiled. 

"Merlin?" I asked as soon as looked back up at him.


"You have magic too? Like me?"

"Yes I do, Nicole."

I was speechless. I had no clue what to say.

"I mean, just, wow. I'm not alone. I'm not the only one who has to feel like I'm outcast," I said, fascinated.

"Nicole," Merlin placed his hands on my shoulder and looked at me, "You have never been alone. There are others like, well, us and you will never ever be alone. I will be here for you. Okay?"

I stayed silent for a bit, smiled and said, "Okay."

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