multiplefandomgirl/Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor

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"Skylar, run!" yelled the Doctor as he took my hand.

I had become a companion of the Doctor's for over two years, and every second with him was amazing. He had now taken me to New York City in the late 60's, but some Cybermen had gotten in our way.

We were now running for our lives in the basement of the Empire State Building, which we were visiting. 

"Well, I didn't know today was the day I was going to die," I mentioned, trying to not thinking about getting "deleted" from these robots. 

"Skylar," replied the Doctor and dragged me to column. 

"Don't you ever say that. You and I are going to make it. Do you understand?" he said, having his face really close to mine.

Feeling a bit afraid, yet liking the closeness, I nodded and he replied, "Good. Let's get to the TARDIS."

As soon as I turned around a Cyberman was right there and I screeched. The Doctor pulled me out of the way, but the robot grabbed my shirt and I blacked out, seeing the Doctor yelling my name.


I had felt as though I had slept for days, maybe weeks. I rose from a bed and noticed I was in my room of the TARDIS. The posters of my favorite bands were all there hanging up like they hadn't been touched. 

I walked out from my room and entered the consulate. 

"Doctor?" I asked as I walked down the stairs. The place was silent, until the Doctor ran upstairs. 

"Doc-" He immediately gave me a huge hug, holding me tight. I squeezed him back, making me feel like I was the only person he cared about.

"I'm so glad you're back," he whispered. 

We separated and we stood there awkwardly.

"So where do you wanna go, Skylar?" he asked as he sprinted to the consulate.

"Doctor, I don't understand. That Cyberman literally killed me. How am I still here?" I asked, giving him a questioning look.

He sighed and looked at me with his doe brown eyes.

"Did you use your regeneration on me?" I asked him, walking forward a bit.

The Doctor looked down like he was guilty.

"You did, didn't you," I said and stuffed my hands in my pocket.

"Doctor, you can't do that," I declared.

"Yes if I wanted too! I had to save you!" he stated and strolled quickly towards me.

"Doctor, I'm only one human. You could be saving thousands with your new regeneration when you do!"

He scoffed and mumbled something.

"What?" I asked. 

"Just shut up," he demanded.

"Why are you telling me-"

"Don't you understand, Skyler?! You're the only human I ever cared about! I would travel the corners of the universe to save you! I would save you anyday! Because, do you know why? I love you! Yes, I said it. I love you Skylar!" the Doctor exploded, and walked closer to me in the face.

I was struck in the heart. I opened my mouth, but nothing could come out. He loves me. He truly does. 

Before I could think it, I murmured, "I love you too."

Suddenly, our lips collided. His hands were on the either side of my face while I wrapped my arms around his neck, coming in closer and closer. 

In no other planet or universe could I ever feel more safer than being in his arms. 

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