ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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"Let go of me"

My free period is about to begin so I headed towards the girls dorms.

As I was approaching the slytherin common room, a cold hand grabbed my wrist. I was yanked into a small dark closet.

I gasped. "Draco I swear if this is you."

I heard a whisper in my ear, "Who else would it be, little girl?" I shivered, it's definitely Draco. Calling me that shitty nickname.

His recognizable voice was too different to be anyone else's. His hand rested on my collar bone. His cold rings against my skin placing shivers all over my body. His hand traced to my button up shirt, where he unbuttoned two of the buttons.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said to him.

He didn't stop. He approached my now revealed neck. He began to kiss, all the way down to my shoulder.

Why is he doing this?

"Draco, stop." I said between my breaths.

My heart was racing and my breathing was quickened. I attempted to push him off of me but he wouldn't budge.

Draco's kisses turned into sucking. I grasped onto him like I never thought I would. My hands grabbed his blonde hair from the back. He started mumbling things I couldn't understand.

Then he started moaning quietly. He likes my hands in his hair. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me even closer to him, still kissing my neck.

"Draco.." I said to him.

"Shut it." he replied.

He continued to kiss. He made his way to my jawline. 

"Draco stop, please stop." I whispered.

It wasn't that I wasn't enjoying this... it just feels wrong.

He still didn't respond. I was so tight in his grip and I couldn't get out. He grabbed my wrist and brought my hand down to touch his hard dick through his pants.

"Ew Draco what the fuck, let go of me!" I kicked him where it hurts and ran out of the closet, trying to be as quiet as I could running though the slytherin common room.

He was chasing after me, I could hear the footsteps from behind. I approached my dorm, Draco still behind me.

I know he's mad that I kicked him in the knackers, but he would not stop kissing my neck after I told him to stop, and he made me touch his dick. I mean come on.

Draco is so disgusting and foul, making me do that. I quickly took my key out of my bag and unlocked the door to my dorm.

I shut the door behind me as fast as I could. I turned around, to see Draco sitting peacefully on my bed.

He raised his eyebrows at me with that flirty grin. My eyes widened in shock.

"Draco! How did you-"  I have no idea how he got into my dorm before I did.

"Relax, I came from the back way."

The back way. I forgot about the back way. There's a back way behind the dorms, where you can go around and get in that way. It takes the same amount of time to take each route, and Draco was far behind me. So he had to have sprinted to beat me here.

Draco got up from my bed and approached me yet again. "Don't ever, do that to me, again." He said to me emphasizing his words.

"Not my fault, Malfoy. You weren't stopping when I told you to." I said with my face inches from his.

Without hesitation he grabbed a hold of my neck with his large, cold hands. Up against the wall I was again. I was at the very edge of breathing.

"Don't talk back to me little girl. I know you liked that, I felt the way you grabbed onto me."

An idea popped into my mind the second he said those words to me.

My hands traveled up to the back of his neck. "Kiss me. Kiss me Draco." I pleaded.

His breath got heavier, and he got even closer. As he came in for the kiss, I swerved away.

I started to walk away, when he said, "You're not getting away with that." he walked to the door, slightly opening it. He paused and looked back at me with a smirk,

"I hope you like the gifts I gave you."

"W-what gifts" I stuttered.

"The ones I left all over your neck" he said. He raised his eyebrows and shut the door dramatically.

I ran straight to the my bathroom to take a look in the mirror. I gasped. Hickeys... all. over. Draco fucking Malfoy. I'm gonna kill him.


Draco Malfoy pov:

I'm pretty sure I won. Easily.

She got what she deserves.

She deserves to have those marks all over her neck.

There's been too many strikes with her, she needs to learn herself a lesson.

Our free period is now over, it seemed to rush by. I only have one class without Savanna, and that's Divination. I thought of all the possibilities, all the different things I could do to show her that I can't be messed with like that.

I few thoughts popped into my mind but none of them were good enough.

I need to think of something, and fast before she makes another reckless and stupid mistake to mess with me.


Class is starting soon, and from my jawline all the way down to my collar bone, there are hickeys from Draco's lips. How dare he.

He can't just do that to me, especially when there isn't a spell to get rid of them.

Makeup was my only hope, I put layer after layer of concealer on in a rush and prayed it would be strong enough to cover.

I gazed at myself in the mirror. Still very noticeable, but definitely better. You could still see some of the purple red color sheering through the thick makeup on my neck, but it was still less than before.

I'm so mad at him though, how dare he. I was fighting with him to get off of me but he wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I tried.

It's not my fault I give him attitude. If he wasn't so cocky than maybe I wouldn't be so pissed at him all the time.

But some things never change, and I don't expect Draco to change whatsoever.

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