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Savanna pov:

My eyes hurt from crying, and my body is sore. Draco lays in his hospital bed next to me, our hands meeting in between.

I don't think he ever let go.

He's asleep, with dry tears leaving somewhat of a mark and his scratched face.

I can't bring myself to tell Narcissa about the baby Draco and I lost.

I know how heartbroken she would be and I can already picture it.

Maybe we just won't say anything.

Draco stirs and I try not to wake him. He's quite beautiful when he sleeps.

I notice that him and I have matching IVs in our forearms. I hop up and wheel my IV stand with me.

I let go of Draco's hand and place it on his chest. I kiss his forehead and i'm thankful for him not waking up.

"I love you." I whisper.

It's getting late out, it's dark so it's appropriate for Draco to be asleep.

I lay back down on my bed, just as I hear footsteps from the door.

I look over and see Blaise staring back at me.

A smile forms on my face when he runs towards me.

I shush him and he swoops down and hugs me.

"You had me worried sick mouse." he whispers.

I laugh a little to myself.

"What happened? Why are you guys in here?" he asks.

I try to make up a decent lie quickly, "Trust me Blaise, it's best if you don't know. But I will tell you this... Draco got stabbed."

His eyes widen at the sentence and he glances back at Draco who is still asleep.

"Holy fuck Savanna." he breathes, "Can he still play quidditch?" he asks eagerly.

I can tell Blaise is enthusiastic about having Draco back here at school, and even more hopeful about Draco being able to play quidditch.

I furrow my eyebrows, "I know Draco would say he can. But, if you're asking me, I don't think it's a good idea at all."

Blaise frowns, "I'll just ask him when he wakes up."

"Good timing." says Draco, in a sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes.

When Draco's eyes fall on us, he looks at us like we have two heads, "So? What do you wanna ask me?"

Blaise scratches the back of his neck, "Uhm. I was wondering if you're good for quidditch tomorrow..?"

Draco grins, "Of course the hell I am. We're against Gryffindor, I can't let Potter beat us."

Draco stands up and manages to smile through the pain he's experiencing. Him and Blaise lock hands and pull their bodies to each other's. A simple and quick guy handshake.

I keep a stern look on my face. The kind of look an angry mother would give to her child for misbehaving.

"C'mon mouse pleaseeee." Blaise begs.

I roll my eyes, "This is a terrible idea."

Blaise scoffs, "We need him. He's the best and only seeker we have. He's the reason we win you know."

I sigh, "Fine. But if either of you get hurt i'm cursing your names to the winds."

Draco and Blaise smile at each other as I sit up in my bed. Draco whispers something in Blaise's ear, and they walk over to sit on either side of my hospital bed.

Draco to my right, Blaise to my left. Both towering over me.

They lean down and kiss each side of my cheek, "Thank you Savanna." they do and say in unison.

I laugh at their stupid play, "Real funny boys, get some sleep." I shove them both playfully.

I whine when I feel pain in my lower stomach. My bruise hurts with certain movements. I quickly hide myself.

"Are you alright?" Blaise asks.

Draco shoots me an anxious and confused look while holding onto my arm.

"Tell him." Draco whispers.

I turn towards Blaise, opening my self up.

I compose my self and take a deep breath before speaking.

"Blaise um. While we were away, Draco got me pregnant." I begin.

His face lights up with excitement. But he doesn't know the rest of the story yet. It breaks my heart all over again.

"Don't get excited. We lost her." I lift my shirt up and show Blaise my horrifying bruise.

His face contorts completely, "What the fuck?! Who did this to you?!"

I hate keeping secrets from my best friend. But I don't wish to put him in danger. He doesn't know about our marks either. Draco and I have been wearing nothing but long sleeve shirts.

Draco speaks what I wish I could say, "We can't tell you that. You need to trust us Blaise. This is for your own safety."

Blaise quickly stands, "Okay look I respect your situation, but when can you tell me."

Draco and I exchange glances, "Eventually. We'll think about it." I say.

Blaise nods, "I'm so sorry about your baby. I can't even begin to imagine."

I give him a fake smile in return.

"See you tomorrow dude. Rest up. Goodnight Sav." Blaise says, walking out of the hall.

I lay back down, eyes tired. I quickly drift off to sleep, after Draco gives me a kiss and goes to sleep himself.

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