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Fighting against adult Death Eaters is easier said than done. Savanna is by my side using every harmful spell she can provide.

Unfortunately, neither of us have been able to kill any of them. Blaise and Teila split up with us a while ago, they're somewhere in this crowded and quite frankly more chaotic courtyard.

It's terrifying. It looks like hell. There's giants, there's fire, there's random explosions every now and then. These "magical" creatures surrounding us no longer seem magical.

I feel bad for Savanna, i've been feeling that a lot lately. She's been putting others before herself, just like she always has. But she needs to keep in mind that sometimes, it's more important to help herself. I think she has a tough time remembering.

I can see her growing more and more frustrated with herself for not being able to use her power. She knows it would help so she's not letting it go until she's tried everything to attempt to activate it.

The Death Eater in front of me is good. I use my wand for most of the fighting, but every time I try to throw a punch of two, he dodges it.

I look to my left and see Savanna fighting off the other Death Eater, but someone creeps up behind her. Someone we've been trying to get away from us since the moment we met him.

Peter. Fucking Peter.

He places his hands on Savanna's shoulders, simply standing behind her.

"You're a disgrace to you're family name." The man in front of me says.

I scoff. "Trust me, I know."

I keep my wand in front of me when I look back to Savanna.

Peter runs his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, caressing her.

"Get your hands off me!" She yells, turning around and kicking him where it hurts a man the most.

He stumbles back and Savanna continues with the Death Eater. But he drops his wand and points at Peter. The other one in front of me drops his wand as well.

"Where's your daughter?" Peter asks.

"Why do people keep asking us that, thinking we'll just tell them?" I ask.

He laughs. "She's the one I want. I'm not fighting anyone, I just want her. If I get her, i'll be praised forever."

"She's just a baby. Just a baby, Peter." Savanna says.

"Oh that changes nothing. I don't take pity on anyone during times like these. Baby or not, Princess."

Savanna rolls her eyes at him and turns her head away.

Peter quickly grabs her wrist and pushes the sleeve of her jacket up, revealing the dark mark on her forearm.

"Clearly you don't understand what this means." he breathes, grazing his fingers across it. "So much power in your tiny body and you won't even utilize it."

"And that's her decision." I interrupt.

He drops her arm and holds her chin. "It is isn't it? I don't think it should be." Then he moves his mouth to her ear. "Traitor."

Savanna lunges at him, holding the point of her dagger at his neck.

"Easy sweetheart." he says, holding his hands up. "This doesn't need to be violent."

"Call me that again and i'll stab this right through your throat." Savanna makes clear.

"Get away from my daughter." I hear a man's voice say.

This man is another Death Eater. He removes his mask and I notice it's Savanna's father. Peter takes a step away, as he should.

"Pardon me, Louis. I was only speaking to the princess." Peter says.

Savanna's father narrows his eyes. "Yes, and calling her a traitor. Also speaking about my granddaughter."

Peter doesn't reply, instead he just walks away. "See you later, Savanna."

Savanna's father places his hands on her face. "Are you okay, darling?"

"Perfectly fine. Thank you father." she smiles.

That's not her real smile.

"I'm sorry about everything. You're too young to deal with this."

Savanna laughs. "Everyone says i'm too young to have a baby but here we are."

He shrugs. "Hiraeth is fine by the way. Out of harms way." He looks at me. "Narcissa won't let anyone get near her."

"I wish my mom could be more like her." Savanna says.

"I'm sorry about her too. I'll always be here for you, even though it may not seem that way."

She hugs him and squeezes her eyes shut. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too. Remember, no matter how old you get you'll always be my little girl." He says.

I haven't been around Savanna's father all that much, but whenever I am, he's an amazing dad. You can tell how precious Savanna is to him.

He holds his arms open to me, and I hug him tightly too.

"Now go. Fight for yourselves." He tells us.

Savanna and I join hands and walk in the other direction. She nestles her head into my arm for a moment. "I have some really great men in my life."

"I'm glad to be one of them." I say, smiling.

Suddenly there's a Death Eater approaching us, and very quickly.

They point their wand at us and just as they get close enough, Savanna grabs her dagger and stabs the person in the neck.

When she pulls it out, the person falls to the ground clutching the wound. She made that look way too easy.

She takes a deep breath and holds my hand again. It's getting easier and easier for her to kill people, and that dagger is becoming more useful than her wand.

"When we're not fighting, I want your hand in mine. For every second." she says.

I nod. "Of course."

Savanna furrows her eyebrows sadly, "Look behind you."

I turn around and see the Quidditch field. It's mangled, destroyed, on fire. It's devastating. As much as I was forced into Quidditch, I enjoyed it. It was a hobby of mine. Nothing beats the feeling of winning a game.

I face back towards Savanna, clearly feeling bad for me. "It's alright, just a shock."

I see a moving shadow form above our heads, and I push Savanna out of the way. We fumble to the ground together.

It's a giant. And speaking of Quidditch, it's using a broken goal post as a weapon. Swinging it around and attempting to hit people.

Savanna's head would be cut open right now if it weren't for my hand keeping it from hitting the ground. My knuckles are bleeding, but I obviously don't care.

I hold Savanna's hand like she asked me to and we try to get away from this monster.

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