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Draco and I run to the courtyard, immediately stopped at the sight. Although it's dark outside, there's no mistaking the Dark Mark that moves ominously in the sky.

No only this, but the state of the courtyard itself. Wizards of good and evil intentions running about. There's chunks of he courtyard scattered around.

"Holy shit." Draco mumbles.

I look as far as my eyes can see, and i'm met with the sight of Blaise and Teila crouching and talking. They're hidden in a nook near a door that leads to the other side of the school. It looks like Teila could be hurt, she's holding her arm out and Blaise looks frantic. I have to help.

I let go of Draco's hand and run as fast as I can across the courtyard, leaving him without a warning. I dodge people fighting and have to shove my way through in order to successfully make it to them without being seen.

And just as I thought, Teila's hurt. Her arm has a pretty deep cut in it. Her face lights up at my arrival. "Savanna, thank goodness." she sighs.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Broken glass." Teila says.

"Do you know what I should do here?" Blaise asks.

I point to him. "You don't do anything. No offense Blaise, but I don't really trust you with wound care."

He shrugs. "It's not really my strong suit."

Draco runs up behind me and nearly gives me a heart attack. "Why the hell did you do that?!" he asks.

I motion my hands to Teila on the floor and he quickly catches on. "Oh."

I look between the four of us and notice that Blaise's black long sleeve shirt appears to be the thickest. "Sorry Blaise, I hope you don't like this shirt too much."

I grasp the bottom of his shirt and tear the hem off of it all the way around.

I kneel down and tie it tightly around Teila's arm, trying to prevent anymore bleeding. "That should hold you off until Madame Pomfrey can get to you."

"Thank you so much. I think Blaise needs to learn a thing or two." Teila laughs.

"C'mon Blaise step it up." I joke.

He rolls his eyes.

I stand and Draco holds my hand. "My favorite little nurse." He coos.

Blaise makes a gagging sound behind us. "Oh hellllll no that's some kinky shit."

We all laugh at Blaise's unintentional humor before I snap everyone back to reality. I hate doing it, but someone has to. "Alright let's go find somewhere for you guys to hide."

Teila stands. "We're not hiding Savanna. We're fighting too, against everyone that's after you, Draco, and Harry."

"That's really sweet of you guys, but I really don't want you dying. My goal is to get through this without any lives lost." I say.

"You're being too considerate darling." Draco objects. "Let them stand by us. We need more people on our side."

No one knows about my anxiety. I don't like worrying about other people risking their lives for something that's my fault in the first place.

Then again, this life was forced upon Draco and I. I never would've chosen this. I also didn't know that my daughter and myself can be deadly. That would've been good to know a long time ago.

Draco Malfoy:

I can see this expression on Savanna's face. Her own thoughts are battling her. I know this isn't fair to her, she's just realized that a part of herself exists that she never thought could be possible. That I never thought could be possible. She's capable of killing people with ease. I've never looked into those eyes and seen a killer.

However, maybe she can bring it out of her somehow to defeat these horrible people. It would be much quicker than a risky attack. I just feel bad for her, she has too many things to think and worry about.

There's one word phrase that I keep hearing her say though.

"I'm fine."

I know my girl. I probably know her better than anyone. I know her well enough to know that recently  her saying "I'm fine." is a solid lie. It's the look on her face that gives herself away that no one else seems to notice.

I also know that she feels really guilty right now. She doesn't want to be the reason people die.

"Is there any way that you could activate that power of yours?" I ask.

She sighs. "I don't know. The last time I used it I was only a few weeks old, and obviously I don't remember that."

"Did you say power?" Blaise says.

"Apparently I can kill someone without touching them, just by looking at them. I inherited it from my mother. I didn't know until today." Savanna explains.

"So you don't know how to activate it?" Teila questions. "I know you probably don't want to use a power like that, but it could really come in handy."

"I would think it would come out of me if I got upset or mad, but i've been plenty upset and plenty mad, and nothing." Savanna says.

I speak up. "If you don't know how, then don't."

A cloud of black smoke storms through the door we are standing in front of. A crowd of random Death Eaters appears in the center of the courtyard.

My natural instinct is to pull Savanna to my chest and protect her with everything in my body. But I can't. She wants her own independence right now, and I have to accept that, no matter how hard it may be.

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