ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 44

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Samantha turned around and looked at Cedric and then scurried back over the Draco.

"What's going on here?" Cedric asked with his hands in his pockets.

Draco's eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at Cedric and I standing alarmingly close to each other.

"They're being difficult. Why don't we just.. share the tower tonight?" I suggested.

Even though my gut was telling me not to say that, it escaped my lips impulsively.

"Fine. But don't expect me to pay any attention to you." Samantha hissed.

I took Cedric's hand and brought him over to the opposite side of the tower.

"Looks like you were a bit troubled." he said.

"Oh I was. She doesn't like me very much." I replied.

He looked at me with a strange expression, "I don't understand how people don't like you. Maybe they just envy you, which makes them dislike you."

Cedric has a point. But what would they envy me for? I'm typical?

"I suppose you could be right." I say.

Our conversation was quiet enough to where they wouldn't be able to hear us speaking.

Cedric shifted slightly, "You know, that was real messed up, what Draco did."

"I know. I try not to think about it too much."

I looked behind us for a second and saw Samantha kissing Draco's neck passionately.

She came up for a second and looked at me with mad eyes.

I shrugged and turned back around.

I looked again at the star alone from the rest.

That star was exactly how I felt right now.

Even though I had tons of people on my side, I can't help but feel nothing but alone without Draco.

But his love was gone. And it was fake too.

Cedric wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"I'm sorry you still have those on your neck by the way." he said.

I covered them with my hair, "I hate it. The last thing I want is for them to still show up."

I placed my forearms onto the top of the railing, leaning onto it.

"You might wanna look behind you." Cedric said.

I turned, still keeping my arms on the railing.

I saw Samantha looking at the sky, much like I was. But Draco, he was looking in my direction, hands in his pockets, moving his pants around.


Real smooth.

I then realized that I was practically bent over while wearing a skirt.

I stood back up quickly, to try and stop whatever was happening.

Cedric turned to me, and I turned to face him.

With the wave of his hand, a beautiful yellow rose appeared in it.

"Woah." I gasped.

He laughed, "Just something new i've been trying."

He handed me the flower and I held it gently in my hands.

A true gentleman he is.

I looked him in the eyes again as I saw him inches closer down towards my face.

He cupped my cheek and pressed his lips on mine.

I didn't hesitate, I kissed back.

I wouldn't normally kiss on the first date. But i'm comfortable as ever with Cedric. I've known him long enough to know that he would never play with my feelings.

His kiss was sweet, gentle, and passionate. It was controlled and slow.

We pulled away after a few seconds and he looked at me as if I was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

"You're so... beautiful." he said.

I smiled shyly.

I didn't bother looking back to see if Draco had seen us. He wasn't my focus right now.

I don't need to think about the past anymore. I'll forget what Draco did to me, and pay attention to what's right in front of me.


He would cover up and fix every little thing that Draco did. I would forget.

I leaned my head onto Cedric's arm, I was very small next to him.

His hand met my waist, holding me next to him gently.

I wouldn't be surprised if Draco and Samantha were making out and touching each other in sensual ways behind us.

It's none of my business.

"I want you to know that i'll never use you for your body." Cedric says, "I love what's in here." he poked my chest.

He looked at me with longing every time I made eye contact with him.

I hoped our relationship would be perfect.

Now I didn't need him to make Draco jealous. I need him to make myself happy. I need someone that I can truly learn to love.

A pure and precious love, full of surprises and happy endings.

I longed for that.

"I couldn't be more glad." I whisper back.

"You know. As weird as this sounds, I would like to know more about your relationship with Draco. I want to hear your full experience, if you're okay with that." Cedric said.

I sighed, "It's a long story really."

We still looked out to the stars, "You have my full attention." he assured.

I took a deep breath, getting ready to open up about a big portion of my life.

"When I was younger, in my second year, I thought Draco was the most pompous ass in the whole school. And i'm pretty sure he was. We hated each other. He absolutely despised me. He thought I was conceived by muggles. I told him that I wasn't muggle born and he fancied me a bit. I still disliked him for judging me so quickly. He grew to dislike me too. And for all that time he spent hating on me, I hated on him back. It was brutal. We spent all of our time arguing. The older we became, the worse it got.
This year for example, he flirted with all the girls in school right in front of me to get me annoyed. Toying with them, fucking them for one night and then dumping them for the next. He became protective over me then. He wouldn't let me speak to any of the other guys. I was furious with him. But the more he did to protect me, the more I fell for him. I let him do things to me. I let him touch me the way I would never imagine him to touch me. The love he had for me seemed real. After all of that, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was thrilled, but at the same time I was scared. We both found out that our parents work together sometimes. I got to go to his manor. Soon after that, he gave me a promise ring, and told me that I was the one. Until I found a note in his drawer, and my heart shattered right in front of me." tears filling my eyes, I continued the story, "It said everything I was afraid of. He had used me for his own pleasure. He didn't care about my feelings, or how I felt for him. He only cared about my body being to himself. I yelled and screamed at him, I threw the ring at him and ended our relationship, which I thought was true and real. I was upset for what seemed like forever. But i'm trying to move on the best I can." I explained.

Cedric's eyes wet wide, "I am so sorry. Really sorry. No one deserves that."

I nodded and he held me even closer.

I was glad to be able to open up like that to someone. To rant and tell someone the full and complete story.

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