ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 116

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TW: gore

"Just think about something that makes you really mad and upset." I say to her.

"I can't." She says, dropping her head.

She hands me her dagger. I kill this one for her, hitting him with my wand as well to make sure. After that, I grab her hand and take her to the astronomy tower stairs.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

My darling... don't ask me. Please, don't ask me.

I stare at her for a second. She has dirt on her face, she's scuffed up, and she's out of breath. I place my hand up against her cheek, and wipe the dirt away with my thumb. "Are you okay?"

She breaks her eye contact with me, her eyes falling to the floor. "No." she says with a broken voice.

I pull her head to my chest. "You're spending too much time taking care of everyone else, you need to remember to take care of yourself. You can't save everyone all the time. I know you're not okay. I've known you were lying since the first time you said you were fine."

"I can't help it, Draco. I have to be strong for too many people. For Hiraeth, for my dad, for Blaise and Teila, for you. I'm the last person who needs care right now. I don't deserve it."

That sentence kills me. Absolutely kills me. Takes my heart out of my chest and smashes it.

I furrow my eyebrows. "You're selfless, my darling. You deserve the world. Don't ever say you don't deserve to be cared for. It breaks my heart."

I can feel my shirt get wet from her tears.

"You deserve everything, I promise." I tell her.

She bundles the middle of my shirt in her fist. I stand here holding her, listening to two of the worst sounds. Her crying, and the school being torn apart.

I kiss the top of her head. "You're doing amazing. I'm so proud of you. We just have to make it to the end, okay?"

"Okay." She sniffled.

She pulls away from me and quickly wipes her tears. One thing I really notice about Savanna is that she seems really ashamed when she cries. She shouldn't be, it's perfectly fine for her to be crying right now.

"Draco." she says, teary eyed again. "Am I a terrible mom?"

"Of course not. You're an incredible mom. Some of my favorite moments with you are when she's with us. You're doing just fine, especially with everything going on."

She wraps her arms around me and she cries some more. I kiss the top of her head. She's never held onto me this tightly.

"I love you." she says, raising up on her tippy toes.

So I kiss her, knowing the places she's been hurt. Knowing what needs healing. She kisses me like she needs to feel safe. She's scarred and messy, and her heart is a little damaged. But I promise my darling, i'll make the pain drift away.

"I love you." I tell her. "More than words can say."

She sniffles a little more before finally becoming calm. There's a loud crashing noise that makes her jolt.

I take her hand and kiss the top of it. "We better go before people figure out where we are. You can do this."

She nods. "You're right."

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