ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 142

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As the party section of the reception begins, a couple people come up to Draco and I to talk to us. One of the people that came up to us though, was someone the reminded me of a time in my life where I definitely wasn't at my best.

Cedric. Cedric already graduated, so i'm confused as to why he's here. As he's approaching us, I swallow the lump in my throat.

He was my rebound after Draco broke my heart a few years ago. I feel awful about the whole situation. I only went for Cedric because I was trying to distract myself from the pain Draco made me feel.

But he couldn't hate me even if he tried. He's extremely amazing at forgiveness. It's a skill I always wish I could possess.

I still feel horrible.

Cedric doesn't deserve that.

I immediately notice how he's transitioned from a boy to a man. He's taller, same light brown hair, and with a little stubble growing in on his face.

"Congratulations you two." He says with a smile teasing his lips.

I'm mortified.

I shyly say thank you and Cedric holds his hand out to Draco.

Draco accepts. "Nice job, Draco." Cedric says.

At first, Draco seems a bit confused. But then he realizes what Cedric is saying. He's congratulating him on marrying me.

How is Cedric so sweet when Draco and I have been such jerks?

Draco smiles.

I eventually explode the way I always do when I bottle up my emotions. "Cedric I'm so sorry about everything that happened a few years ago. I still feel awful."

He shakes his head at me. "Don't apologize at your wedding. I don't mind, Savanna. You can't help who you fall in love with, you found your soulmate."

I notice Draco's calm expression on his face. I notice that this conversation isn't effecting him the way I thought it would. He doesn't hate Cedric, he doesn't have a reason to. And more importantly, Cedric respects my relationship with Draco and that's what counts at a wedding.

I feel relieved at Cedric's response. He has every trait a Hufflepuff should have.

"How did you find out about this?" Draco asked.

"Even though I wasn't technically invited, and i've been out of Hogwarts for a while now, word passes around quickly. But c'mon, this is Savanna and Draco Malfoy. I wouldn't miss your wedding, I hope i'm not crashing it."

"Of course not, thanks for coming." I say.

"Oh- and by the way, I saw Hiraeth running around. Congratulations on being parents, i've never gotten the chance to tell you. She's adorable, and she looks so much like you both."

"Thank you." Draco says. "But serious question. Who do you think she looks like more?"

Cedric looks between the two of us a couple times, and then directs his eyes to Hiraeth dancing with Lucius. "Personally, I think she's looks more like Draco because of her hair."

Draco smirks at me, silently saying he won the battle that I didn't know was a battle in the first place.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

Cedric sighs. "Don't fret, Savanna. She still has your eyes. Beautiful and blue."

I smile, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I suddenly realize I haven't changed into my second dress yet, and i'm extremely uncomfortable in this one.

"I've gotta go change. It was really nice talking to you, Cedric. Thank you for coming." I give him half of a hug and let go of Draco's hand, smiling back at him.

I walk to my dressing room. And once i'm in there alone, I approach the rack with my dress on it and admire it.

I reach behind me to remove my wedding dress, only to remember how many buttons have to be undone.

I sigh and turn around to ask someone for help, but Draco's already closing the door behind him.

"Need some help?" He asks.


I turn away from him, moving my hair to the side. He's more than happy to unbutton all twenty buttons.

Once all of them are undone I hold my dress against my body to keep it from falling down.

Draco steps away as I turn towards him.

"Could you look away just for a second?"

He obliges without hesitation, facing away the whole time I step out of my dress.

His patience is another one of my favorite things about him. He respects my wish for privacy.

I attempt to clasp my bra but I can't. It's always been something I struggle with. For some reason it always takes me forever to get it, but we don't have forever, I need to be back out there quick. I mean, it's my wedding.


"Yes, my love."

"Could you help me?" I say shyly.

"Of course darling." He laughs a little bit.

He gets behind me and clasps my bra together with no problem.

I forget i'm in just my underwear and the bra he just helped me put on and get a little tense. But oh well, nothing he hasn't seen before.

He presses a light kiss to my shoulder and by the time I turn around, he's facing away from me again.

I love him so much.

I slip my dress on, the same one from my engagement party. Of course there's a zipper.

I sigh. "Draco..."

He doesn't respond but he's suddenly zipping up my dress and putting my heels on my feet.

"I'm always here to help, sweetheart."

These names he calls me, they kill me.

My love, darling, sweetheart.

I feel weak in the knees.

When he stands up we look into each other's eyes and everything seems to drift away for a second. We get closer to each other. So close that we're kissing.

We're kissing. Actually, more like making out.

He's pulling me closer to him by my lower back. Wow this feels good. His hand meets the side of my face. His tongue is in my mouth. My tongue is in his mouth.

Too much.

Too much, too much, too much.

I push against his chest. "Honeymoon." I say. "Honeymoon. We have a honeymoon."

He backs away from me. "I'm sorry." He says. "It happened again."

What happened again? The look happened again.

The look we give each other when we need each other so bad. We can't help it. When the look happens, we kiss. And when we kiss it leads to touching, and touching leads to sex. That's how it's been since we were fifteen.

And my God, it's so hard not to let the look win us over.

I shake my head. "Draco don't apologize. Please stop apologizing. It's me, it's my fault. I'm sorry."

He holds my face in his hands. "Don't apologize, précieux."


Gotta add it to the list.

My love, darling, sweetheart, précieux.

He kisses my forehead.

I wrap my arms around him and let myself relax, because unfortunately I haven't been able to this whole night.

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