ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 101

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"Get ready to push momma."

Saying that i'm freaking out is an understatement.

I'm shaking uncontrollably, but Clarice says that's normal, and that its just labor hormones.

That's not all.

I'm ten centimeters dilated now, and i'm grabbing onto Draco harder than I ever did during sex with him. And I think that's saying something.

He's kneeled down next to the bed by me and his forearm is in my hands. I'm gripping onto him and my nails are digging into his skin.

I'm crying and panicking and hurting all at the same time.

"I can't do it." I cry out.

I'm having trouble catching my breath.

"Yes you can, I know you can." Draco says.

I let out a moan of pain and Draco smoothes my hair back from my forehead.

Draco's arm is bleeding when I get the chance to look at it. I think he see the look in my eyes.

"Don't worry about it." he says.

The tears don't stop coming out of my eyes no matter how hard I try to stop them.

Draco will try to wipe them away but that won't make a difference.

I thought I could do this without pain medication but it's more difficult than I could've imagined. Now it's too late.

"I can't take it anymore." I whine.

Clarice comes over to me with gloved hands and a mask on, along with a plastic shield covering her eyes. She's wearing scrubs.

I'm terrified.

"You can do this." Draco says, giving me a long kiss on the forehead.

I nod through my tears, which he wipes again.

Clarice kneels down in front of me and I spread my legs open and try to calm down enough to start pushing when she tells me to.

I grab Draco's hand and hold it tightly.

"First push darling." Clarice says, "You've got it."

I take a deep breath and push.

"One...two...three...four...five...six...seven...eight...nine...ten." Clarice counts.

My lip quivers and I sniffle and force myself to continue.


I've been pushing for two hours. I'm so out of energy and it feels like my body is giving out.

I'm still a crying mess. I'm anxious to be a mother, and I just want her out of me.

I don't think i've ever sweat this much in all my life.

Draco's hand is resting on my knee and his thumb moves across it slowly.

He's watching and looking to see the baby come out but not much has happened yet.

I don't care that he's looking now, because he's looking in amusement. Regardless of if there's a baby there or not.

Clarice counts to ten again and I push and push.

I throw my head back in exhaustion when she reaches one.

"You're getting there Savanna." Clarice tells me.

I'm not sure if I believe her.

I push again and nothing.

I push again and nothing.

Draco's still watching, I know he is.

I'm trying to catch a breath when she tells me to push again.

Finally I start to feel something.

Draco covers his mouth with one of his hands.

Clarice tells me to push again. So I do, and my body shivers and shakes with anxiety. I squeeze my eyes shut.

When I open them, I watch as tears roll down Draco's cheeks, and I can hear my daughter cry.

"Ready to meet your baby?" Clarice asks me.

I nod through my shock.

She places my baby on my chest and wipes her off with a towel. It's hard to tell what she looks like when she's not fully cleaned off.

Clarice does everything a nurse would do after delivering a baby. Cleaning out her nose and mouth, allowing Draco to cut her umbilical cord, and then taking her away to the bathroom to give her her first bath.

Draco and I cry together for the full five minutes that Clarice is gone.

When she brings my baby to me, she's all clean, and she's crying.

"Five pounds eleven ounces. She's a small bean." Clarice says cheerfully.

When she places her in my arms, she stops crying. She's wrapped in a white baby blanket.

She has blonde hair, and lots of it too. And she's beautiful. Her eyes are closed peacefully and her lips are a beautiful shape. Her cheeks are just the right amount of chubby, and she's so tiny.

I'm crying a lot now. And when I look next to me, Draco is crying too. His shoulders are shaking as he looks at her.

"She's perfect." Draco sobs, and he places a hand over his eyes to shield them.

I move to the top of the bed and get beneath the covers. I kiss my daughter's forehead.

Draco gets into bed next to me and I kiss him, "You did it." he tells me.

"I did it." I say.

I look back down at my baby girl and see already how much she looks like Draco. Much like I wanted her to look like.

Until she opens her eyes. Now those came from me. Draco and I both have blue eyes, but they're two very different shades. My eyes are deep blue, and Draco's are almost crystal like.

She yawns. And oh my... it was the cutest yawn I have ever witnessed.

I laugh. "Aw baby. That was tough work for the two of us huh?"

She stares at me and blinks.

Draco's looking at me so eagerly and I can tell he wants to hold her.

So I carefully pass her to him and he cradles her in his arms, "Welcome to the world precious angel."

That was really cute.

He kisses her little forehead too and then smiles after, "I love you." he says, "Both of you. And i'm so proud."

"I love you too." I say.

My baby is absolutely beautiful. I still can't believe Draco and I made something with such beauty. She's delicate and fragile, but I want to kiss her whole face.

I don't think i've ever been so happy in my entire existence.

Draco reaches over to me, and brushes my baby hairs out of my face, "She's gorgeous like her mom."

When I look back at her, she's looking back at me.

This is when I realize i've found a name for her.

"I've always longed for a home, or something that felt like one." I say,  "And you and her...you're my home. Even though people can't be a home, you feel like one in my heart."

Draco smiles.

"Hiraeth. That's her name, Hiraeth."

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