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I wake up, and to my surprise it's dark outside now. I don't remember finishing the school day.

I sit up, and see Draco coming out of the bathroom with wet hair, a toothbrush in his mouth, and wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

Lord help me.

"You're awake." he says.

It takes me a while to realize that my mouth is hanging open.

He's fresh out of the shower.

His V-line. His abs.

These damn pregnancy hormones.

I finally shut my mouth and he continues brushing his teeth, giving me a smile on his way back into the bathroom.

I follow him in there, and Draco is running his toothbrush under the sink water and putting it back on the side of the sink.

He pulls me to his chest, cradling my head.

"We have to go back to the Manor tonight." he holds up a letter, reading that we need to be back home for more Death Eater business.

Sometimes I forget about things like that. I forget there's even a giant tattoo on my arm because i'm so used to it.

We haven't been home in a good few weeks, and now my belly is a little too different to hide from my own parents.

When our hug breaks, Draco looks upset.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Our lives have been so perfect lately. I know when we go back everything will be different."

I frown because he's right.

He puts his hand on my belly, "We have to tell them."

I nod because I really have nothing to say. I know I have to tell my parents. They'll probably hate me after.

"Don't let your father kill me please." Draco says, "I'm the one that got you knocked up at only sixteen."

I shake my head, "It's my mother you have to worry about."

"I'm not scared of a lot of people, but that woman terrifies me." he says.

"Don't be too scared." I say, "She'll probably just get mad at me for losing my virginity. But you didn't even take it, I lost it when I was fourteen."

"My mother is gonna freak out when she sees your bump." he smiles, brushing off the subject.

"I know." I laugh, "She was the one who wanted grandchildren in the first place. She's the reason we're having a baby."

Draco raises his eyebrows, "Or, because I never put a condom on my dick before fucking you."

I try not to smile, I never once cared that he never did.

"I don't know how i'm gonna tell my mother." I mumble, "My clothes are starting to fit weird."

"It's adorable." he says.

He's too sweet honestly.

I suppose she'll point out that i've put on weight and then i'll tell her.


Draco babied me the whole train ride there. He insisted that he'd carry me to the train itself.

But now we're here, about to knock on the door.

I'm wearing a black dress. Unfortunately for me, all my black dresses are tight. I chose the one that stretched the most. I threw on a cardigan that matched before we left, to hide my belly to the best of my ability.

My feet are killing me in my heels, and I haven't even stepped foot into the manor yet.

When Draco knocks, the door is answered quickly.

"My babies!" Narcissa squeals.

I don't care about my feet anymore. That just made my day.

She holds her arms out and hugs both of us at the same time.

She holds the door open for us while we step in with our luggage.

"I'll meet you two upstairs in a little bit to talk about you know what." she whispers with a raise of her eyebrows, pointing my belly.

I smile, but only for a second because she walks away, and I see my mother approaching us now.

I pull my cardigan tightly around me.

It's late, but everyone in this house still looks as flawless as they would if it were morning.

"How are you?" she asks.

"Good thank you." I say.

She slightly narrows her eyes at me. I'm already scared she's suspicious.

She looks at Draco, "Draco?"

He clears his throat, "I'm doing well, how are you?"

"Splendid." she says impassively, walking away without another word.

Draco and I head upstairs to "our" room.

Fourteen weeks pregnant looks different depending on the woman.

But for me, it's starting to get to the point where people will start to notice, and automatically know i'm pregnant. Especially the people who know what my body normally looks like.

My mother was really skinny at my age. She expects me to look the same. But i've never looked like she did. I'm more curvy than she was. My boobs are bigger and my ass is small and perky.

She made me start facial modeling when I was five because I had a pretty face. But when I was eleven I started to get boobs, and by the time I was fourteen they were way more noticeable.

This is when she put me into modeling that shows off your body. Well, my father did. Because my mother told him that's what she wanted before she took off and left. I had my mother's slimness, but I had the chest she never had. She always told me women pay money to have that, and that I should be grateful for having it naturally.

She also told me things about how men will love me for having assets like I do. My mother called me an hourglass, and she still does. She tells me to maintain that so I won't lose myself.

It's bullshit. Gaining weight doesn't mean you're losing yourself. It's a normal thing that happens, mother.

I realize women may be jealous of me sometimes, but every woman walking the Earth is beautiful. Regardless of their body, because every woman is a woman, it doesn't matter how feminine they are.

Now I wish I had a mother that would say that to me.

But no, my mother tells me to dress pretty, act mature, and set priorities.

Sometimes I feel like i'm growing up too fast.

But something my mother needs to know, is that i'm losing that hourglass figure, and I don't fucking care one bit.

My body is occupied by pregnancy. Another beautiful womanly thing.

I'll have stretch marks and scars on this stomach in five months. But i'll still be beautiful, no matter how many blemishes rest on my body.


You are beautiful, ethereal, and breathtaking. Perfect, strong, and courageous. You are powerful, brave, and fearless. You are a loving person who deserves to be loved fully. Your body deserves to be loved fully. You do enough, and you are enough.

Read this, remember this, and never forget it.

I love every single one of you reading this so fucking much. I'm so grateful and happy that you're here.

Thank you so so much for reading, and have an amazing day or night, and always remember that you are loved in so many ways !!

𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐋𝐘 𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒 - 𝐃.𝐌.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora