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i'm a year older now 😀

I sit in the treehouse, our treehouse, as I look through all his books, all his memories.

I look through it all.

Did he really leave?

Without me?

I ask these questions in my head as I run my fingers over his pressed flowers.

We were supposed to be best friends. And then he leaves without me.

I sigh and close the book.

Maybe one day, I'll see the Viscount Tewkesbury again.


A few weeks later, and I'm sitting in our entry room and working on my latest painting. I paint a boy in a field of colorful flowers, every color imaginable.

And then I hear a knock on the door.

Seeing as all the maids were upstairs, I go to the door and open it to reveal a shy looking Tewkesbury.

I gasp and close the door behind me. "Tewkesbury?" I ask, clenching my fists.

"Y/n I-" He starts.

But before he can say anymore, I slap him across the face.  "How dare you, Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether, leave me without any type of warning?" I yell at him.

"Y/n listen-" He says, rubbing his cheek.

"No, don't 'Y/n' me. You left me here! Alone! Do you know what that was like?" I ask, my voice getting quieter. "Why did you not write? Nor tell me beforehand? What was the purpose of suddenly showing up, out of the blue-"

I am cut off by Tewkesbury putting his hands on the back of my neck and bringing his lips to mine.

I am totally shocked, but I kiss back nonetheless.

He pulls away after about 5 seconds and looks into my eyes. "That is why I have come back, m'lady. for you. Leaving you was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made." He admits.

I look into his hazel eyes, seeing nothing but sorrow.

"I come back, begging for your forgiveness." He says quietly.

I hold his collar in my hands and look into his eyes. "There's no need to ask for forgiveness, Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether, because I will always forgive you. Because I can't ever stay mad at you for long." I confess.

He smiles and kisses my lips once more, a smile spreading across our faces.

"So this is the great Y/n you were always nagging about." A girl with long brown hair says, coming up the path. "I'm Enola." She says to me, offering a smile.

"Y/n. Although I suppose you already know that." I smile.

"Yes, this one over here would not shut up! Y/n this and Y/n that. Bloody annoying at times. But... he cares for you." She says.

I look back at the young lord to see him a blushing mess. I smile at his flustered form, looking back to Enola. "Well, I care about him too." I say.

She smiles grandly, "I can see that. Just invite me too the wedding." She jokes, making Tewkesbury laugh, and I nudge his arm playfully.

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