Demons • Louis

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supernatural crossover !

You don't have to have watched the show dw

a lil background info : after moving to get away from her toxic parents , y/n gets attacked by a demon. afterwards, y/n feels guilty , because her parents told her that bad things would happen if she disobeyed them.

trigger warning: mentions of r*pe
( the part it happens is marked, it's only one paragraph )


Y/n sits on the edge of the bed, he nightgown hanging off of her as she stares out the window, her face emotionless.

Even through the mask, you can see her braking.

The way her hands grip the blankets, her knuckles draining of color as she clutches them so tightly, trying desperately to stop their shaking.

The way her eyes are red and bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep the past few days, the nightmares too much to handle.

The way her whole body shivered when a small breeze came through the room.

The way she flinched at every shadow that moved with the curtains.

A gentle knock tore her from her state as she turned to see Louis walk in, holding a hoodie and another pillow under his arm. He gave her a gentle smile as he came over. "I thought you might want this." He says, passing her one of his hoodies. "You're always shivering in the morning, uh, so I thought, I don't know, it was stupid—"

"Thank you, Lou." She replies as she slips the hoodie over her head. She leans back against her headboard and and pulled her knees towards her chest.

Y/n let's out a shaky exhale and Louis sits on the edge of the bed.

He knew about what happened to her, and he'd been staying with her ever since. Louis had helped Y/n financially when she moved out of her parents home, his own house a few minutes away. Lately, he hadn't left her side.

In truth, he was worried for his best friend. Louis noticed the way the circles under her eyes darkened every night, the amount of caffeine she drank every day.

Yet he never pushed her to talked about what happened, he was just there for her, because that's all she really needed him to be.

He watches her as she rests her eye lids, her features displaying a moment of peace before her eyes shoot open again, her body jolting.

He reaches for her hand gently, but retracts quickly when she flinched at his touch, his lips pressed in a thin line.

As Y/n looked back at him, she quickly started apologizing at the hurt in Louis' eyes. "I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to I—"

He shakes his head quickly and clears his throat. "It's fine. Really, I know you've been through a lot." He says softly.

Y/n shudders at the thought and pulls her knees closer to herself, burying herself in the hoodie, Louis' comforting smell filling her senses. "It was awful." She whispers.

Louis snaps his head in her direction, seeing her shaking state as Y/n's mind replays the memories from that awful night.

Not thinking of a better way to comfort her, Louis moves closer to her and sits next to Y/n, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to his chest.

Y/n freezes at the touch, not having much human contact in the past few days. ( y/n i relate. )  She finds herself leaning into his touch, the feeling different and gentle, something only Louis could provide for her.

He lets out a sigh of relief when he feels Y/n accepting his support, holding her tightly to give her all the love and affection she needs at the moment. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, his works muffled by Y/n's hair.

Y/n leans back a bit so that she can see Louis' face, his eyes pouring sympathy and love for her, which is the only reason she nodded to answer his question.

** trigger warning **

"He— The demon— climbed through my window, I guess he'd been watching me, I'm not really sure, I mean, Sam and Dean had been around at this point, asked me a few questions," Y/n started, Louis hands still looped around his lower back, warm feelings rushed through the places their skin had contact. "And he, he touched me," Y/n seethes and shakes, tears welling up. "If Sam and Dean had gotten there any later..." She trails off, He hands clutching Louis' hoodie that he was wearing.

** continue **

Louis felt his heart clench at the sight, pulling Y/n closer again as she let the floodgates open, small sobs escaping her.

One of his hands gently held the back of her head as the other held her waist, not wanting to let her go.

Louis felt the anger at the demon rise in him, but he pushed it down for Y/n's sake, because the last thing she needed was for Louis to lash out.

After a while of Louis stroking her hair and Y/n holding onto him, not wanting to let him slip away too, Louis moved them so that they were lying down, Y/n curled into his chest.

Louis held her tighter, even closer, pressing soft kisses to the top of her head, trying to calm her down.

After a few more minutes, Y/n's breathing started to even out again. "Maybe they were right." She mutters quietly to herself, but Louis still hear because of their close proximity.

"Who was right?" Louis asks with confusion, Y/n letting out a sigh.

"My parents." She answers. "They told me that I was too irresponsible and naïve to move out on my own. They told me that I would do something stupid, and—and—"

"Y/n listen to me." Louis cuts her off, his voice serious. "This was not your fault." He tells her sternly, looking into her eyes. "No matter what anyone says, you are so much stronger than them. Hell, you're the strongest woman I know. So please, don't let them get the better of you. You're going to get through this, and Im gonna be here every step of the way. We're going to show them that you are stronger without them." He says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Now, why don't you get some sleep?" Louis suggests.

"I—I cant." Y/n grimaces, looking down. "The nightmares are too much."

"Well, I'm here now." He tells her. "I'll protect you from the nightmares, and the demons." He says, resting his chin in top of her head. "I'll be right here until you fall asleep." He assured her.

Y/n nodded, and once she closed her eyes, she realized how tired she actually was.

Y/n nuzzled her head into Louis' neck, her cold nose sending a shiver down Louis spine as she held onto him just as tightly as he was holding onto her.

Tracing soft patterns on her back, he waited until her breathing evened out and she stopped moving.

He looked down at her to see Y/n peacefully resting, her whole face relaxed. Louis pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and gently untangled himself from Y/n's arms, but before he could get very far, Y/n's eyes shot open and she moves closer again to Louis, wrapping her legs around his torso, holding onto him like a koala.

"Please don't leave me. I cant be alone again." She whispers into his ear.

Louis feels the butterflies that he normally gets when Y/n's around, "I'll always be right here." He whispers back, resuming he same position he was in before.


but i didn't like this one as much as the other one.

but , i have a fun idea for yall. so, could you comment what was one of your favorite imagines and why? just for me to get feedback and stuff.

please do this, it'll be good for me to know what you guys want out of the chapters, instead of just doing what i want.

love you guys. <3

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