Kiss • Louis

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Louis and I walk to my trailer, our arms full of various snacks and candy for tonight when we're doing a movie marathon.

Before then, Louis and I have to do a kiss scene.

I mean, we're dating, shouldn't be awkward....

I've never kissed someone on camera, so I don't know how this is gonna play out. Hopefully it won't be too awkward.

We put our snacks down on the counter and Louis and I both grab something and sit on the couch. "Are you nervous?" I ask him.

He looks at me and shrugs. "I mean, we've kissed before."

"Yeah but, I've never kissed someone with a whole freaking camera crew." I laugh and Louis smiles at me.

"Neither have I. But It'll be fine. Just ignore them like always, focus on us. I hope." He said,  and kisses the top of my head.

I peck his lips and he smiles before we hear "Y/n Y/l/n to costume, Y/n to costume." Over the loudspeakers.

I sigh and stand up. "Duty calls." I say. Louis pouts and crosses his arms and I laugh, exiting the trailer.

- Time for the Scene -

I walk in the set with my costume, A green bomber jacket, black shirt, jeans, and black army boots. (don't know why i described the clothing. it really doesn't matter lmao)

Louis enters as well and smiles at me. "Just relax, you're gonna be fine." He whispers.

We lay down on the bed, my feet by Louis' head, and we start the scene.

During this scene, I'm supposed to be doing a voiceover about how I don't want to like this boy, but I do.

"And sit up." The director tells me, and I sit up with my head against the bed.

I look at Louis and he sits up as well. "What?" He asks in character.

"I don't know. You're nice to look at. Unlike the rest of the world, you don't look like absolute shit." I say. Yeah, my characters very... bubbly. *note my sarcasm.*

"Thanks?" Louis says. He tucks his legs in and puts his chin on his hand. I do the same and now we are sitting in front of each other on the bed. "I don't think the world is absolute shit." He says.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I say.

"You're in it." He murmurs.

"Ok, pack it up Romeo." I giggle at Louis.

He sighs and looks up. He leans over and captures my lips, and I kiss him back....

Before bursting out laughing.

I laugh against Louis' lips and he pulls away and starts laughing as well, and soon the whole crew is laughing along with us.

"I'm sorry! This is weird! Im sorry!" I say in between giggles.

"Alright people, let's take it from the top!" The director shouts, before we start filming

- Afterwards -

I flip down on the bed in my trailer while Louis closes the door. "How much you wanna bet that that'll be in a blooper reel?" I laugh.

"Well you couldn't stop laughing!" He smiles, grabbing some snacks. "Alright, what movie are we watching?"

"Well... I was thinking since you've never seen it, that we could watch stranger things?" I ask.

He groans and sighs. "Fiiinneee." He whines.

"Yes!" I exclaim, grabbing the remote and putting it on.

"Oh my gosh look at baby Finn! Holy crap Gaten is so little! And Caleb awww! NOAH IS A TINY CHILD OH MY GOSH." I say as the boys come on screen after a few minutes.

Louis laughs and we binge watch the first season, laughing and cuddling until we both fall asleep.

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