Medling with the Mind pt. 2 • Louis

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i so so sorry i haven't updated i feel horrible

i just haven't had the proper motivation and schools really stressful rn i'm sorry :(

also, ataraxia is officially on hold until i get my shit together






Your POV

Aisha and I rush Louis down the stairs, trying desperately to bring the two wounded boys to Professor Harvey.

Terra and Musa are right behind us, Sam's arms slung over their shoulders.

"Professor Harvey!" I cry, making the earth fairy whips his head in my direction.

His eyes widen as he sees the boys, both covered in blood, heavily breathing. "Over here!" He waved us over to the tables.

Louis grunts in pain as we lie him down as i hyperventilate, trying to stay strong for Louis.

Harvey sets to work, "Give him some space!" he orders and Aisha has to pull me away, my eyes wide and horrified.

He's in so much pain.

I can see it. I can see it all.

I close my eyes tightly and cover my ears as Louis screams again, Harvey lifted up his shirt to reveal his nasty burned one wound, the black veins seeping up his torso.

It's near his lower hip, and Sam's is closer to his heart.

Both fatal unless someone can kill that blasted Burned One.

My heart wrenches and my tears flow as Louis' thoughts are broadcasted into my brain.

All calls for help, and the pain. So much pain.

I look down to my bloodied hands as they shake, everyone around me too frantic to notice my state.

But then I hear a different thought.

It's my name.

I snap my head to Louis who groans again as Harvey digs through his wound, trying to find the splinter.

I see his eyes connect with mine.

And there's so much fear in them.

I walk over to him and take his hand in mine. He tightens his grip on my hand and a ghost of a smile comes for a spilt second before the pain returns. "Please, he's in pain!" I tell Harvey, the desperation in my voice clearly present.

"I-I'm trying!" He shouts. He looks between Same and Louis as he switches between the boys.

I put a gentle hand on Louis' cheek and he turn to me, my heart breaking even more. "Love, look at me." I whisper, and his watery eyes meet mine. "Just think happy thoughts. Remember the movie?" I say to him, my voice wavering and cracking with the emotions running through me. "Think of a wonderful thought." I sing softly to him as Harvey turns back to Louis. "Any merry little thought. Think of christmas, think of snow," I sing.

Louis breathes heavily, his thoughts still hectic.

But there was one thought that stood out.

Louis was really scared.

I saw people he cared about flash through his mind. His family, friends, me.

I closed my eyes tightly and plunged myself into his mind. I didn't know what i was doing, i just wanted to take away his pain.

before it was too late.

They needed to kill that Burned One, and fast.

I searched around his mind, finding the part of his mind with all his happy memories.

As i scan them, i'm surprise to see my face in a lot of them. I use my powers to push his mental barriers, flooding his mind with positive thoughts.

I open my eyes again to see Louis looking intently at me, his breathing starting to even. I look over to Harvey who drops the splinter into the trash.

Louis looks at me with a look i can't quite decipher as he squeezes my hand.

I look down to his abdomen to see the veins still spreading. "They still haven't killed it?" I yell.

"The Burned Ones have infiltrated the school! There's too many!" Harvey informs.

I feel Louis' grip on my hand slacken a moment, and my heart stops. "We're losing them!"

"I can't do anything now!" Harvey shouts, "It's up to you and Musa! You're mind fairies, you've already discovered his memories, you have to use that!"

I turn back to Louis as he looks up at the ceiling. I channel my powers, pouring all my positive thoughts, all my emotions into his mind, flooding his head with pictures and moments of joy. I feel my irises turn their brilliant violet as I grunt, trying to give Louis as much time as I can.

I start to feel a tingling sensation in my back as I focus on on Louis, his eyes locking with mine as the fear and pain subsides as he smiles weakly through the tears streaking his face.

I see his eyes widen and I spare a glance behind me.

I gasp as I see wispy purple wings sprouting from my upper back, my power coursing through my veins.

I see Terra and Aisha gasp and stare at my wings, but they continue to stay present as I continue to pour positive thoughts into Louis' mind.

I can do this.

I can save him.


After the Burned Ones are Killed


A breath escapes Louis' lips as he relaxes, my eyes going to his wound to see the black veins disappearing.

I laugh with relief, and Louis beams at me. "I knew you could do it, love." He whispers, his other hand coming up and cupping my cheek. "You saved me." He says as I lean my forehead against his, my body and mind both exhausted from the strain.

"I'm just glad this is all over." I say to him, my hands still trembling in his.

"Me too."

that was shitty lmao

it was literally all over the place but i felt like you guys deserved an update and i felt really really bad.

i will *try* to get another one out tomorrow, but idk

love you all!

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