Thunderstorms • Louis

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requested by @2cool4slytherin
( i changed it a little, hope that's ok )

slytherin reader x slytherin louis

y'all love the hp crossovers lmao

any other fandom crossovers you'd like? i'm open to anything :)


Thunder shakes the castle as the rain pours heavily outside. Louis jumps as he walks through the halls, doing his nightly rounds.

As head boy, he's expected to do his patrols, but tonight is especially dark, the thunder outside and the eerie vibe of the castle combined.

He walks around the corner and nearly jumps out of his skin when he runs into another Slytherin, his fellow head girl and girlfriend, Y/n. "Bloody hell Lou!" She says as he trembles. "You alright?" She asks.

"Thunderstorms are not my strong suit." He mumbles.

She smiles and takes his hand. "Don't worry, Mcgonagall is rounding up all the heads and telling us to go back to our common rooms because the younger kids are afraid as well. seems like you're not the only one." She says, leading the jumpy Louis down to the common room.

They enter the common room to see all the first years, and some second and third years gathered, the older kids comforting some of the younger ones.

"Alright guys, there's nothing to worry about, it's just a little storm." Y/n says, clapping her hands and getting everyone's attention.

Another clap of thunder makes everyone jump, and Louis grabs her hand making her sigh. "Um... let's try something else." She mutters. She looks around and sees all of their faces. "Hey guys, don't be scared. Don't worry. We're just.. gonna have a little fun instead." Y/n says with a smirk. (tehehee)

She sits by the fire and faces all the kids. Louis leans against the wall, watching her intently.

"Alright whose up for a little game?" She asks as the younger ones cheer. "It's about to get very competitive in here." She says with a grin.

After separating the Slytherin house into two teams, their games begin.

Different activities take place, all in the safety of their common room, the thunderstorm barely heard over the laughter of the children.

After a fun, yet exhausting night, the first years start to head off to bed at around 1 am. Soon, everyone follows and heads off to their dorms, Louis and Y/n going to their private headquarters.

She flops down on her bed after changing out of her clothes, Louis knocking on her door. "Come in." she says softly.

He enters and lies down next to her. "You were great tonight. I didn't know you were so good with kids. Usually you just bark orders at them." He snickers, Y/n smacking his arm.

"I do not!" She says with a huff.

"Fine. Whatever. But, what changed?" He asks, turning to face Y/n as she does the same.

She sighs and looks down, and Louis brushes the fallen hair out of her face. "I don't know. I just... didn't want them to be scared and alone because.... well— I guess I've felt that way for most of my life." Y/n says. 

Louis' expression softens and he pulls her to his chest, Y/n exhaling deeply as she clutches onto his green shirt. "As long as I'm alive, Y/n, I swear to god you'll never feel so helpless." He murmurs.

She smiles and suddenly, thunder cracks making Louis flinch and hug Y/n tighter. She snickers as he pouts. "Don't worry bubs, I'll protect you." She teases the brunet.

He shakes his head and they eventually dose off, the thunder finally subsiding.

hi i'm back! my updates still might be a little inconsistent, but i'm trying to get back on schedule.

until next time!

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