The Son of the Dark One pt. 2 • Louis

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Louis follows the music, he can't resist its charming melodies.

His body sways and dances to the music as he finds its source.

There, boys dance around a campfire in masks and fur, laughing and dancing to the song.

As if Louis' body moves in its own, he joins in with dance, not noticing how the piper smirks at his prey.

The Son of the Dark One.


(Peter Pan is the piper btw, and he's evil)

After taking the boys to Neverland, Pan unmasks himself and smirks at his new group. His Lost Boys. "Welcome boys!" He says with an evil smirk. "To Neverland."

More Lost Boys come out from the forest, all dressed in greens and browns and blacks, holding various weapons. Louis looks around in alarm, the spell of the flute finally wearing off. "No." He mutters. "Pan, you must take me back!" He says, backing up from the group as they return to their tasks.

Pan stalks up to him, his eyebrow raised. "And why would I do that? You're a Lost Boy now."

"No! I had a family! And Y/n-"

"Your "family" did not care for you. You see, only certain boys can hear my flute. Boys who feel unloved, unwanted. Lost." His smirk only grows.

"But I need to save her." He panics.

"Louis, you belong here. She's probably gone." He says darkly.

Louis scoffs and runs a hand through his hair. "She can't be gone already. She can't." He runs off into the forest, but Pan chuckles. He will always find him.

After all, Peter Pan never fails.

Louis finds a clearing, and sits under a tree to catch his breath under the moonlight. Due to his fatigue, he eventually drifts into a deep sleep.

Louis flies over Neverland, and he hears something.

A sob.

He follows to source and finds two cages, the crying seeming to come from there.

He lands below them, and he listens. It seems to be coming from two girls who are locked in there.

"Help! Help me! Anyone! Please!" One voice shouts, unfamiliar to Louis.

"Shut it Wendy, no one's here." She sniffles.

That voice. Louis knew that voice.

"Y/n please don't give up on me." The girl cries.

Holy Shit it's Y/n.

Louis tries to move, but his feet are stuck in place.

"No Wendy! I had a life down there!" She snaps. "I had someone that cared for me." She whispers.

Louis lunges for the cage once more...

Someone jolts him awake, back in the camp. "Y/n..." He mutters.

He knocks the Lost Boys away from him and Pan flashes in front of him. "Where do you think you're going, laddie?"

"You have Y/n. I saw her." He says in a low growl.

"You see Lou, It's common of us to dream of what we've lost, of what we wish was reality." Pan says, unamused.

"No. I saw her. And a another girl. In cages." He says.

"If you're so keen on finding them, why don't you join them." He smirks and with a wave on his hand, Louis is sent to the cages being hung, right next to Y/n.

"Y/n?" Louis calls out and he tries to pry his way out.

"Lou?" A voice calls.

"Y/n!" He cries in rejoice. "You're here. You're really here!" He says as a tear rolls down his cheek. "How did you get here? I thought-"

"During the war, in the training, I never felt so alone." She explains. Louis looks down, guilt bubbling inside of him. "And then one night as I closed my eyes, I saw a shadow fly in the night." (hehehe) "He seemed...friendly. So I went with him. And little did I know what type of a monster Pan would be." She says the last bit.

"Now that's not very nice, love." A voice says from below.


With a snap of his fingers, Y/n and Louis get dropped from their cages, immediately embracing each other. "Isn't this a nice little reunion?" He sneers at the couple.

Louis tries to protect Y/n as best he can, but she pushes past him to Pan, "Why are we here? We're not kids anymore." She snaps.

"You see, darling, that's where you're wrong. You're still young. Still in your last years of childhood." Pan says, walking up to her. She stands her ground as he steps right in front of her.

Louis moves to help her, but Pan sends him flying against a tree. "Lou!" Y/n cries, but Pan holds her by her arms as she struggles in his grasp.

"You see princess," Pan growls in her ear, "Sometimes, love is weakness."

And with that, they disappear in a cloud of black smoke.

yeah... it's ending like that because i don't know where to take this.

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