Diggory • Louis

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diggory!reader x slytherin louis
( also y/n is a hufflepuff )

imagine being a diggory like those genes tho-

someone requested this but i don't remeber and i can't find the comment! i'm sorry


Louis walks through the halls, his Slytherin scarf wrapped tightly around his neck as the school prepares for the next task of the triwizard tournament.

As he walks towards the Great Hall, he can't help but look for a certain y/h/c Hufflepuff.

As he scans the table, he frowns when he doesn't spit her.

He does, however, spot her brother, surrounded by students as the buzz of the tournament surrounds them.

Louis sighs and places his chin in his hand, his appetite gone.

"Mate, what's up with you?" Theodore asks.

Louis ignores him as he scans the table again, certain he simply missed the girl who had stolen his heart. But after a few more looks across the table, and the great hall, he huffs in frustration and crosses his arms.

Where is she?

As breakfast finishes up, all the students, staff, and guests are dismissed to the black lake.

As their walking, Louis manages to push his way to Cedric. "Hey, Diggory!" He says over the noise.

Cedric turns towards him. "Yeah?"

"Have you seen your sister by any chance?"

Cedric's brows furrowed as he thinks. Strange, he hasn't seen Y/n either. "No, I haven't. Why do you care?" He asks the Slytherin.

Louis shakes his head, his hair falling into his face as he doesn't try to brush it away, the worry bubbling inside of him. "Never mind. Good luck." He says before walking towards the stands, leaving a puzzled Cedric.

Louis walks alone, thoughts running through his head. Where is she? She would never mind this, it's too important to Diggory.

He stuffs his hands in his pockets as he takes his seat in the stands, draco malfoy and his minions a few seats down. "hey, partridge, where's your little girlfriend?" malfoy sneers.

"oh i was just about to ask you the same thing, when i remembered, you don't have one." he snaps, earning some 'ooh's from people around them.

Malfoy grumbles and turns his attention back to the task as the contestants ready themselves.

After Harry finally jumps in, the students all turn to chat amongst themselves, seeing as there isn't really anything to watch.

Louis, however, just states at the water, his mind consumed with worry for the hufflepuff girl.


after about at hour, finally, the first two heads pop out of the water.

Louis recognizes the first to be Cedric, and the second... he almost has heart attack.

He flies up from his seat as goes as fast as he can to the deck, just as the pull a shivering Y/n from the waters.

He pushes through the crowd and lets out a breath of relief when he sees Y/n with to towels wrapped around her as Cedric, hugs her tight.

Y/n hugs him back, his brotherly warmth not taken for granted, even through there might not be much on this cold winter day.

Seriously, who decided that they should go swimming in a freezing cold lake in the middle of winter?

As Cedric lets her go, Louis can't hold back and he runs up to Y/n, pulling her into his arms as well, as she buries her head in his chest as he rambles to her. "Thank Merlin you're ok, i was so worried. when i couldn't find you this morning i-i thought the worst." he stutters, not even caring his robes are soaked.

"Um, can someone tell me why my sister is getting all cozy with a Slytherin?" Cedric asks from behind them.

Y/n separates from Louis as she turns to her brother. "Ced... i have to tell you something. This is um... my-my boyfriend. Louis." she introduces.

Cedric looks between the two skeptically. "Why am i only hearing about this now?" He asks, crossing his arms.

Y/n shrugs innocently. "I don't know... I guess i was scared." She whispers.

Cedric sighs. "I'm going to allow it only if you promise not to be all couple-y if i'm around." he says, walking away before they have a chance to respond.

Louis looks to Y/n and shrugs before places a soft kiss on her slightly cold lips. He frown and goes to the stand of treats, and fetches Y/n a hot chocolate, taking Professor Lupin's advice with the chocolate.

He walks back over to her and hands her the steaming drink. "Thanks Lou." She whispers, taking a sip.

"Of course." He responds, sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her as the other champions come up. "And i can do this whenever i want now." he says, cupping her cheek gently and kissing her lips, the taste of chocolate and cinnamon coating her lips.

"Hey!" a voice shouts behind, making them jump apart. "What did i just say?" Cedric bellows over the cheering of the crowd.

Y/n laughs and leans her head on Louis' shoulder, making him lean his head on hers,both of them perfectly content with their relationship.

i don't know how i feel about this one? but it was written while i was half asleep so...

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