Merry Christmas? • Louis

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requested by @Pexchy19

aged up (about 22ish??)

you and louis are engaged


Your POV

I sit next to Louis on the couch as we sit with his family on Christmas day.

I lean on him and he has an arm around my shoulders. I absentmindedly twist the ring on my finger as we watch Millie open a present.

"I have a present for you." I whisper into his ear. "I want to give it to you after. Maybe in private?"

He nods and kisses my lips making me smile. I rest my head back on his shoulder and he pulls me closer if possible.

We watch from the seat as his various family members open presents.

After the space under the tree is empty, I grab Louis' hand and bring him to the guest room we're staying in. I quickly go through my luggage and pull out the card and small box. "Here. Read the card first." I say, handing him the box.

The card is blank on the front and he raises an eyebrow. He opens it and reads a loud, "It's crazy how one simple sentence can change your life." He furrows his eyebrows and opens the packages. He gasps when he opens in.

Inside are a little pair of white shoes.

A tiny pair.

"Y/n if your messing with me it's not funny." He says in the brink of tears.

"I'm not messing with you." I say, shaking my head and looking at the ring on my finger. "I'm pregnant." I say through my teary eyes.

He smiles with happiness and and drops the present, picking me ups and spinning me around, kissing my stomach. "I'm going to be a dad!" He cries. "You're going to be a mum!" He says as he puts me down.

"So you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? This is great news!" He says and I hug him tightly, both of us crying now.

"Merry Christmas?" I say through a laugh.

"Merry Christmas. This is the best present I could've asked for." He says, leaning his forehead against mine.

I lean up and kiss his lips quickly and take his hands. "Well, now we decide if we want to tell out parents." I giggle.

Louis smiles. "Fuck it. Why not?" I smile and trace my thumbs over his knuckles. "But the real question is do we tell them now, or after the wedding." He says, motioning to my ring. "I suppose we'll have to push it up a bit. Maybe February? It was supposed to be late March, so I'm sure it would be alright." He rambles.

I press my lips to his to shut him up. "One day at a time bubs. One day at a time."

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