Insecurities • Louis

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kinda based on me in a way?


Your POV

I had gotten my first big role in the movie "Why Can't You Let Me Go?" Which is about two teens who have their summer romance, but my character, Cara, has to move away and it is about their relationship.

Sure, I've had other tiny roles, but this time I am a main character in a movie.

Of course, that meant I am a nervous reck half the time because I think I'll screw something up.

And I am so nervous, I have yet to say no to anything.

Tie me to a pole upside down? Sure.
Hang me by my butt for seven hours? Why not.
Drag me through mud? bring it on.

But today I'm extra nervous. For one thing, I have to shoot my first pool scene. And I have to kiss my costar.

Even more wrong with this: I have to wear a bikini. I cant even remember the last time I wore a bikini. Even though my mom and sister have tried many times, I just can't. I don't understand how people can be so confident in themselves! I'm so scared because people used to say stuff and now I only wear one pieces, but being the sissy that I am, I haven't told the directors how uncomfortable I am because I'm afraid to screw everything up.

Oh, and the other problem. The Louis problem.

Yes, my costar, and crush, is Louis Partridge.

And I have to kiss him today.

It's like one big ball of nervousness crushing me down.

I nervously put the suit on and fumble with the coverup and nervously walk to set, seeing Louis there and he stands when he sees me and walks to me and I smile nervously. He frowns when I look down and fiddle with my dress.

"You alright?" He asks. I glance up and immediately look back down when I meet his eyes.

"Y-Yeah I guess i'm just n-nervous." I stutter and he grabs my shoulders.

"Is it about the...scene?" He whispers.

I blink and look away again, "No." I mutter, although I'm only half lying.

"Then what's the matter?" He asks, running his hands down my arms and grabbing my hands.

I sigh and finally look at him. "It's really stupid." I mutter.

"It's not stupid if it's bothering you. Please tell me." He says, his eyes staring into my soul.

"Ihavetowearabikiniandidontwanttobutimscaredofmessingeverythingupandlettingeveryonedown." I say really quickly.

"The fact that I understood that." He laughs but I send a glare at him and he stops quickly. "If you don't feel comfortable, just tell the directors."

"But what if I mess everything up and-and I don't know..." I say, starting to panic.

"Y/n, calm down you're ok." Louis says, pulling me into a hug. "It's just your wardrobe. No ones gonna mind. We all just care about you. It's ok to tell them you're uncomfortable."

I take a deep breath and nod, Louis giving me one last squeeze before letting me go.


After changing into a more comfortable one piece, I walk onto set and then i remember the other reason I was nervous.

I have to kiss Louis.

My palms begin to sweat and my breathing gets caught.


I pace back and forth at the house set and they yell action.

We go through the scene and I am supposed to talk to my friend and then I walk down the stairs and get to the pool where the party scene is. I open the door and go to find Louis hanging with the boys who are playing his friends.

I go over to the punch bowl and Louis walks over to me in his character. "Hey Cara." He says, leaning against the table.

"Hey Parker." I say with a small smile as the camera follow us as we walk by the pool.

We keep doing some montages of us talking and laughing for the editors to put some sappy love song to.

Once it gets dark and they clear out the extras, The directors have Louis and I swim around. We have a whole dialogue about our futures, and we are supposed to get closer until we were only inches apart. I glance down at Louis lips and back to his eyes. Louis breathes heavily and I watch the water droplets make his skin sparkle.

"You know, since we're talking about our futures, is it wrong to hope you'd be in mine?" He asks, saying his lines.

"If it is, we can be wrong together." I whisper.

He reaches up and puts his hands on the back of my neck and crashes his lips onto mine, our lips moving together.

I block out all the cameras and focus on us. I pull away slowly, and he leans his head on mine. "I'll be whatever, so long as it's with you." He says. "Because I like you Cara, I really, really like you."

That's not part of the script.

"I-I like you too Parker." I say.

He smiles and pushes his lips onto mine again. I smile and before he pulls away, he whispers, almost inaudibly, "I like Y/n more."

I gasp and smile brightly. "See you around Parker." I finish the script and get out of the pool quickly.

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