Interviews • Louis

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"Please give a warm welcome to Louis Partridge and Y/n Y/l/n!" Jimmy Fallon announces, Y/n and Louis coming out.

Y/n wears a yellow dress with white boots with earrings to match. She waves to the audience, a smile on her face.

Louis walks out next to her, his tie matching her dress, and he waves as well, sneaking glances at Y/n.

They sit in the large seat together, their knees touching.

"Hi guys, welcome!" Jimmy says to the two, Y/n smiling brightly.

"Hi Jimmy. Thanks for having us." She says as the crowd finally dies down.

"Well, first of all, congrats on the movie, you both did wonderful." He says, making the crowd cheer again.

"Yeah, thanks, it was so fun to work on it." Louis says.

"You guys play love interests, Parker and Cara, on the movie, Why Can't You Let Me Go?, and it's an amazing story, let's take a look." Jimmy says, pointing to the camera. Y/n and Louis look forward as the trailer plays, the crowd going crazy as it ends. "What can you tell us about it?"

"Well, it's about two teens who fall in love over the summer, but they are ripped apart from each other, and there is a lot of drama, and some action, actually." Y/n says. "It was really fun to film and I had a great time doing it with this guy." She says, nudging Louis' shoulder.

- skipping a little because i don't want to write the whole interview lol -

"Yeah, you guys have such amazing chemistry and you work so well together. It's amazing to see your relationship on screen. What was that like? Was is weird to film? How about the kissing scenes?"

"If I'm being honest Jimmy, that was my favorite part to film." Louis says.

Y/n gasps and her cheeks redder, and she hides her face in her hands. "You're such a flirt!" She laughs over the cheering audience. "I had to work with this boy for four months, I don't know how I did it." She mumbles.

"Well Y/n," Jimmy laughs, "looks like you've got an admirer." He teases.

"Holy crap kill me now." She mumbles, earning laughs from the crowd.

"Oh, I think she knows." Louis says with a smirk, "I don't try to hide it."

"Ok, shut up. This is supposed to be an interview! Can we please be professional?" Y/n groans.

"All right, we're gonna stop torturing the poor girl, let's get to our game!"

- after the interview -

Y/n and Louis walk off stage with smiles on their faces, and the second they are away from the cameras, Y/n hits Louis' shoulder. "What the fuck was that?" She whisper yells, ripping her mic pack off.

"What?" He asks, playing dumb.

"All 'the kissing scenes were my favorite part' nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." She mocks him.

He hugs her and kisses her head. "What if I want to go public?" He asks. "I just want people to know how much I love you." He murmurs.

"I love you too, but I'm not ready for the hate." Y/n says back.

He hugs her tighter, "I won't let them. Please, just think about it. I don't want to pressure you, so if you say no, I'll respect that." He whispers.

Y/n takes a deep breath and let's it out. "Let's tell them." She says.

Louis' eyes light up and he picks her up and spins her around. "God, I love you." He says with a huge smile. "And now everyone gets to know it."

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