𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚢: 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜

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I watched from my balcony as the trio retreated from my building, Denki turned around and waving at me.

I raised my hand and waved back, laughing, turning to go back inside.

The glass slid open and I walked inside, closing the door behind my back.

"Oh dear god," I muttered, softly leaning against the door and sliding down it. I groaned, rubbing my eyes and then put my face in my arms.

Today was... exhausting. Daichi and his bullshit, Yaoyorozu and our "date," and then Denki and Sero, with Bakugo and his loud voice. I'm just glad I thought of what I did before Bakugo left.

I adjusted myself on the floor, feeling Takami's feather tickle my chest.

Leaning back, I unbuttoned my shirt and held the feather up in the air by the base.

"Hey Takami. Don't worry, I'm not in trouble or anything. Just... hope you're having a good day. If you've been listening in on me, which I kind of hope you haven't, my day has been kinda shitty." I took a deep breath, my head softly hitting the glass behind it. "Call me and we can makes plans for our next date. That sounds weird to say. 'Our next date.' I haven't been on a date in a long, long time. Guess you're special or something, huh?"

I chuckled under my breath as I left the feather fall back on my chest.

But right now, I just wanted to sleep. To wrap myself in my sheets and be calm for once today.


"Books!" The deep voice rang out through the halls, bouncing off of the stone walls and making Tomura sit up immediately. "Book returns!"

Tomura threw the thin sheet off of his legs, standing with ease. He practically leaped across the short distance between his bed and the cell door, the anklet connected to his foot weighing him down as he flew.

His hands gripped the bars once he reached his destination, the feeling of metal only on two fingers, his ring and pointer being covered by the thin fabric of his gloves.

His cheek felt cold pressed against the metal as he tried to see how close the book cart was to his cell.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the tall buff man reached Tomura's cell, the book cart in front of him.

"The books you asked for." The man muttered, passing a stack of a few books over to the deranged villain. He grasped them both hands, fighting the urge to scream in victory.

"Thanks," he said gruffly, not looking up as he walked back over to his bed, creaking as he sat down. He swung his legs over the side of his cot, swinging his left leg with a particular amount of force to get the heavy anklet over the side of the bed

Glancing out of his barred door and into the hallway, he made sure there were no prying eyes anywhere near his cell. He smiled evilly as he opened the cover of the first book, revealing a box made out of the stack of books.

Pages and covers both were cut into the make the compartment, which was lined with a thin tan fabric to prevent paper cuts.

Inside the box where the items Tomura had asked for. A small can of shaving cream, a five blade men's razor, a bottle of his favorite after shave and a bottle of black nail polish.

He had never really cared much for hygiene until he saw (Y/N) for the first time, but then again, he hadn't thought of a great deal of things before meeting her.

Once she entered his life, he changed. And it was obvious. He started showering more often, using cologne, even eating healthier. One thing that really made a difference, to Tomura at least, was that he started shaving.

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