𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚢: 𝙰𝚗 𝚊𝚟𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚘?

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The restaurant was exactly like Takami had said, casual formal. He had rented a back room so we could be alone without anyone seeing us.

"You don't need another Deku situation," he had said, laughing, "unless of course we actually became a thing."

The room was nice, a red carpet lining the floor with white walls. Carved columns with vines tumbling down the sides stood in each corner, creating a nice atmosphere. The table was a dark wood, Japanese Cedar, I found out upon touching it, that was stained dark.

Glasses filled dangerously to the brim with ice and water sat at each place, a small soy sauce container in the center along with candles. We took our places across from each other, shifting to be comfortable on the cushions laid out for us.

I placed an edamame in my mouth, pushing the bean out with my tongue.

"So you're telling me," I said, letting the soybean pod drop from my fingers and onto my plate, "that you admired Endeavor?"

"Yes! He was the number one pro hero, he was driven, how could you not admire him?" Takami asked, waving his hands as he spoke and smiling at me in disbelief.

I blinked at the man in front of me.

"Have you met the guy?"

"Have you? He's awesome!" Takami exclaimed.

"He's the worst, what do you mean? A total asshole!" I said in return, laughing alongside the hero.

"Ok, ok, ok, when did you meet him?" Takami asked, ripping the tip off of a soybean pod with his teeth.

"A few months ago now, when I went over for dinner."

"Wait a minute. You went over to Endeavor's house? For dinner? How? I've been trying to get there for years!" Takami's eyes sparkled in adoration, wondering in my "prowess." I laughed, throwing my head back.

"I was there posing as his son's fake girlfriend, and let me tell you, Endeavor? Total asshole." I laughed, and Takami laughed along with me.

"So which son?" He asked, leaning forward, "Natsuo seems like your type."

I chuckled, remembering the family picture I saw in the den. No one was smiling, not genuinely.

"He's definitely cute, but alas, no. It was Temperature."

"Shoto? Mister I-don't-have-any-feelings Shoto? Him?" I put my hand to my mouth to silence my amusement, knowing I shouldn't laugh.

"Takami!" I said between my "silenced" laughs.

"What? The kid kinda freaks me out! He never smiles, ever! It's strange!"

"He does too! He smiles a lot! He's changed since high school!" I countered, leaning back and falling silent as a waiter bent down to put my tray of sushi on the table. He bowed after dropping Takami's tray and left.

Takami and I started eating, but the hero quickly picked up the topic again.

"When has Todoroki Shoto smiled? It's a sight I simply have to see."

"A lot of times! When we met, when we met at the park, at the dinner with his father, when we went out to lunch with Bakugo. It's not that rare!" I exclaimed while chuckling, putting a roll in my mouth with chopsticks.

"Feather, if I can, it sounds like he only smiles around you." I sat there, trying to think of something to say, but nothing came to me. Because I realized that Takami was right.

"Oh my god he does." Takami let out possibly the loudest laugh I've ever heard as I covered my mouth in slight shock. How did I not notice?

"Sounds like I may have some competition!" Takami exclaimed once he calmed down. "That's ok though. I'm always up for a little tussle."

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