𝚇𝚇𝙸: 𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢 𝚒𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚊𝚍

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Todoroki paced the alley where she had allegedly disappeared. He tapped his chin, looking around.

"She couldn't have just disappeared." He mused.

"No shit!" Bakugo exclaimed, walking in the alley himself.

"What are you doing here?" Shoto asks, turning to face the hero.

"What do you think? I'm visiting the crime scene. She didn't just vanish, and we all know it." He explains, unclipping his gauntlets. He shoved them to the right wall of the alley, where both men heard them knock onto something small, something that wasn't concrete.

"You shouldn't be here," Shoto said, racing to where the gauntlets had fallen.

"Neither should you, Icy-Hot." Bakugo retorted, already at the gauntlets.

Shoto picked one of them up, "Old nicknames huh? That's low, even for you. The hell?" He said in surprise, picking up a small ring.

It was gold and had a rather large blue gem on the surface. The band was etched with swirling designs, and symbols the hero's recognized as Thieves Writing. Thieves Writing is used by many young villains learning their way in the streets.

Shoto flipped the ring over, inspecting it carefully.

"Bakugo, could you maybe not breathe down my neck like that?" Shoto says, his eyes not leaving the ring.

"Shut up and deal with it! Wait do that again." Bakugo's voice grew quiet at the last statement, as Shoto shifted the ring in the light like he had moments before.

"Do you see that?" Shoto asked.

"Not that bastard again." Bakugo snarled in disgust.

On the inside of the ring, under the gem, was another engraving. But it was no symbol. It was the initials LoV.


"Would you like anything?" Tomura asked me. We had changed rooms, now in one that was well decorated and clean. He had taken everything from me back in the first room. My bag, my gun, my phone. I was sitting in a leather couch in the center, fiddling with my cufflinks.

I stared at the inscription on them, lost in the sliver letters. The initials H.D. were written in them, the H on the left, D on the right. They stood for Head Detective, a gift from Chiharu and Daichi after I was promoted. The best gift I was ever given.

"Darling?" Tomura prodded. "Are you alright?" I looked up, vision blurry with tears.

"Of course. Can we just, um..." I paused, sniffing, "can we just talk?" He eagerly sat down next to me, too close next to me.

"Anything you want to talk about dear!" He exclaims, taking my hand. Ever since I changed his quirk he's been touching me. Constantly. He grabs my shoulder, he stands to close, he leads me by holding my hand. Constant contact.

"Why did you start um..." I paused, scared to ask my question, "why did you start watching me?"

"Well because we heard of a student at U.A. with a quirk that could be useful to our cause. And I was put on your case. So I watched you, and watched you, and watched some more. And I found myself falling for you." He raised his hand to my face, trying to cup my cheek. I slowly pulled my head away, making Tomura retract his hand but scoot closer. "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I'm sure you do."


"She's gone?" Mina asked Uraraka. Her bright eyes were red from crying and her hair was messy. She tried to say something, but choked on her words. Jiro places her hand on Uraraka's shoulder.

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